I just found out I have severe hearing loss and am a candidate for hearing aids. At 35, I feel like I’m way too young to need them. How many of you have had a similar experience?

  1. I’m still fighting with the fact that I need glasses at 36. I think it’s part of aging

  2. Are you worried about the look of them, or the costs, or what? What are you wanting to ‘handle’?

  3. Most audiologists would want me to get hearing aids, but fuck that. There aren’t that many people I want to hear.

  4. I’m 27, and it’s gonna be a reality for me. I’m planning on just gonna own it. I made the decisions that led me here, I have to own the consequences. There are a lot of well hidden models that are hard to notice, of thats what you are going for.

  5. Hearing aids are not just for old people. It is quite common. I wouldn’t worry about it at all and just get the help I need.

  6. It depends on the type of hearing loss. If it is just a frequency loss which unfortunately is often in the range of women’s voices like your wife, there are things that she can do instead. Not speaking around a corners or into walls helps.

  7. I had a classmate with a hearing aid in elementary school. So what? It’s not that uncommon and I don’t think it is a big issue in everyday life (as in, I believe that needing a hearing aid is one of the easier to live with handicaps)

  8. I’ve needed glasses since I was seven get over it to live a normal life.

  9. Be sad for a day and deal with the consequences. But thanks for reminding me to lower my music down so that doesn’t happen

  10. I met a deaf person in my workplace born in the 2000s so I don’t see it as anything wrong. Only backwards looking people stigmatise small issues like this so don’t worry about those motherfuckers and wear your hearing aid with pride.

  11. It’s fantastic. Get the good ones that bluetooth to your phone, and now you no longer need ear buds; some even have built-in dampening when someone starts talking so you can hear them. Also, anytime you dont want to hear something, an example being at work and that super annoying coworker starts talking.you just shut them off or turn them lower to “save battery.”

  12. Everybody has different needs at different times in their life – medically, for convenience, and comfort. You are far from the only one, and definitely not the youngest. If I needed them, I wouldn’t be thrilled, but I would do it without hesitation. This is a quality of life thing.

    FWIW, I have a coworker that got them in his 40’s and I cannot tell he is wearing it most of the time. I really have to be looking.

  13. Same way that I handled getting false teeth at age 32.

    The people who care about you, and are worth hanging out with, won’t say a word.

    Anyone willing to make fun of you for it, or give even more than a little gentle ribbing (within your own comfort zone), are assholes, and not worth your time.

    99% of the people you meet in your life won’t even notice, and of the few that do, the vast majority won’t say a word.

  14. I’m 37 and surprised I don’t need them yet but I was also born almost/completely deaf (I’ve been told different things) and had tubes in my ears until I was 12 so I could actually hear. I started going to punk shows around 13 and have been into loud cars my entire life so lm surprised I haven’t destroyed all the hearing that got fixed yet.

  15. One of my friends has had a hearing aid in since she was very young. You don’t even notice it but she always reminds people that she can’t hear out of one ear if you’re on that side. It’s no worries op

  16. An old friends ex had them.

    Bro don’t be ashamed. They’re advanced as shit these days and are effectively implanted Bluetooth earbuds. You can straight listen to music with them.

  17. I knew a guy in his 20s with hearing aids. They’re the single most useful thing I’ve ever seen. They were Bluetooth to his phone. He could play music and have his texts read to him. I never noticed he had them until he brought it up he did. The best part though, “oh I’m having trouble with my new hearing aids. I may not get back to you if you call” was a perfect excuse. And he didn’t ever get new hearing aids while I wormed with him

  18. pretty sure they make nearly invisible ones bt now. is the hearling loss reversible?

  19. a wise friend once told me when i felt embarrassed about something happening in my life, “there is something happening behind every single door in the neighborhood, i assure you, yours is far, far, far from the worst”

    remember, that no one is immune to life challenges and yours could be a lot worse.

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