What time should an 8yr and 5yr old go to bed?

  1. Whenever makes sense for your schedule and theirs. One of my coworkers puts her kids to bed by 8pm while another puts hers to bed at 1am

  2. If they have to be up at 6:15, I’d have them in their bedroom by 7:30 to hope for asleep by 8.

  3. My 6 and 8 year old go to bed at 8.45pm and get up at 7 on school days.

    Non school days go to bed at 10 and get up around 8 -8.30

  4. My 8yo 8-8:30, my 5yo around 6.30. They get up around 7.15. The 5yo just needs that amount of sleep, the 8yo could stay awake until 11, but reading in bed is the only way to get her to relax and keep some kind of rythem.

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