I live in a house full of roommates and one of them I’ve been getting close with. He seems interested, always wants to talk and wants me to open up. We’ve fooled around already but he won’t sleep with me because he says he wants my mind and heart first. But for the time being, he’s happy with getting me off in other ways just not intercourse. It’s soo confusing to me because I’m used to guys wanting sex which I do too. I’ve never begged before yet he has me practically begging for him. I don’t understand how he can have such a good self control.. begging him makes me feel demeaning and I feel rejected though he makes up for it in other ways to where I get off. I’m confused because I know he wants me but why won’t he just listen to his body and sleep with me…

  1. Imagine if this was the other way round. A guy begging for a girl. OP you need to respect his choices and boundaries.

  2. Enjoy what the two of you are doing. It doesn’t have to be piv to be very enjoyable. Go with the flow. Let him bring you pleasure in the way he chooses. Sounds like he is getting you off.

  3. > Why won’t he just listen to his body and sleep with me

    I am really not a fan of this sentence. If the roles were switched people would be swarming.

    If the guy isn’t ready, there’s not much you can do aside from asking him what’s up. Don’t coerce, don’t push if he’s not ready (for obvious reasons) . Just ask him. There’s internal conflict for some reason.

    There’s *two people* in this scenario, and it seems like you’re only looking out for you.

  4. He is probably demisexual, look up the definition, not all people will jump directly in the sheets for sex, for some it needs to mean something for them to open up.

  5. I’m an old man now, but when I was just starting out with sex at age 16 I held off on PIV until I could afford to support an unplanned pregnancy. In my case that wasn’t until I was 21. I have no idea if that is applicable here, but it’s the reason that I held back.

    I am also a Demisexual, but that was never an issue because I bonded with my partners.

  6. Sounds like he might be demisexual. Not all men are horny 24/7 and it’s a harmful myth that they should be.

    All you gotta do is respect his boundaries. That’s the bare minimum here. It’s not difficult, especially since you can take care of your own needs sexually any time you want.

  7. Cuz he values the relationship more than the sex. You found a rare one possibly. Dont let your average mindset let him go.
    Im the same way, im attractive, i know my worth, ive had women throw themselves on me and i still refuse to take the bait. I want a smart strong woman i can go home to everyday and have passionate sex with.

  8. Nerves. Once you cross that line it either works or it doesn’t. Your entire relationship up to that point wasn’t really on the verge of being lost if things didn’t work out like sexual compatibility. Maybe try reassuring him that you really like the relationship you have with him up to this point, and that you guys can ease in to things together. Maybe reassure him that you are really attracted to him and just want to enjoy the moment with him. I’m sure it’s nerves more than anything.

  9. Mostly, I expect, it’s uncomfortable in the situation you described. In a house full of roommates, the environment isn’t exactly appealing for that level of intimacy. On the other hand, it’s probably a matter of wanting to show you dedication, and appreciate that he probably wants to throughly consider everything before having you as a sexual partner. People will say that doesn’t change things- it does. It’s a fundamental fact, having sex changes things between you. He’s also probably hoping to get to know you in a deeper level, in order to try to dissolve any anxiety between you both and like I said, make sure things won’t hurt when they change because of sex. He sounds like an honest and sweet guy, he may not even totally understand his discomfort about sex in that house yet. Be patient, it sounds like he will be too. Best of luck to you both!

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