Hey everyone, I (18m) and my girlfriend (18f) have been together for about 2 years now, we started having sex about ½ a year if being together, throughout this time, I haven’t been able to make her finish, not with clitoral stimulation nor vaginal. I feel like im useless and I don’t know how to overcum this.

My girlfriend has tried to explain how I should treat her clit, but after a while it becomes really sensitive for her, and it causes me to have to stop, and she said she was able to finish herself off a few times. I tried to do what she wanted me to, maybe I’m not following instructions to the fullest, but I have tried. And I recently bought a vibrator bullet to try to make her finish with that, but that hasn’t been working, same thing with her being sensitive, well I only tried once with it so maybe it can in the future idk.

And every time we have sex, she says it feels good, but then she shows me tiktok videos of girls saying sex feels like a sneeze that doesn’t come out, and I feel bad. Normally with sex I’d finish, and she’d be sitting there unsatisfied, so I try to continue with my fingers but she becomes dry after a while, maybe I should train myself how to last longer idk what my problems is.

Any advice would be much appreciated, I can answer any questions if anyone has any.

  1. I have recommended this technique to many people and they have reported a lot of success with it. Tell her you are going to play a game and position yourself between her legs. She has to instruct you what to do and you can only do EXACTLY what she tells you to do.

    You have to start by gently licking her inner thigh halfway between her knee and her coochie, then it is up to her to give you explicit instructions: left/right/up/down/faster/slower/harder/softer/etc

    This will not only teach you how to do exactly what she likes, but it will teach her how to give good feedback, making for a generally hot experience for both of you.

  2. I’d say maybe try focusing a little more on foreplay just for her. Touching her, kissing her body, licking her body. A combo of all three. And try to stimulate her inner thighs. Women are very sensitive on their inner thighs and all around their vulva, so focus heavy there before jumping right into rubbing her clit.

  3. foreplay is key! not sure how crazy you guys get but some girls like it rough too🤷🏽‍♀️

  4. try to be more dominant. when she shrunchs her neck, keep your spot and just get sloppier then slowly make your way down. and try to perform oral before you put it in. if she isn’t finishing from penetration, oral is another great option that many women find the most pleasure from. You probably won’t be able to make her orgasm immediately but over time you will learn her body and get better and better until she can orgasm 🙂

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