(25M/24F) In short, I have a great girlfriend but I’m not in love with her. We’ve dated 1 yr.
My ex (serious relationship before current gf that ended dramatically) is moving, so we got coffee to catch up. I feel guilty to say it, but I think we still love eachother. We both said it and met it, at least.
This makes me feel like I’m robbing my current GF of finding true love.
On one hand I care about my girlfriend, I have love for her, and we have so much fun. There’s just a part of me that wants to pursue a burning true love. Someone who knows your heart when they see you?
But should that virtue be held so high? Am I thinking straight?

TLDR; Relationship is great, but not in love. Does that mean we break up?
(To clarify I’m not trying to get back together with my ex. Lmk if u have questions)

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