What would you mean if you went out of your way to say it?

  1. You ever heard the term fluffer? People that amp other people up and prepare them for being on stage or for a speech or performance …. My experience of meeting people like this, ultra charismatic, everyone loves …. Is they say a lot of great stuff but don’t follow through. It doesn’t really mean anything. They might work in PR or be really good at entertaining and hosting … Putting on a show! But even though they make you feel a special connection to them… Usually nothing meaningful underneath.

  2. It generally means they are able to put people at ease and be supportive to them in a way that leaves their conversation partner feeling good about themselves. They focus on the other person, give them supportive energy, and share ideas/thoughts that amplify the other person’s excitement and confidence. People who are seen as charismatic often leave people feeling this way after interactions.

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