I (20M) was at a college for two years but I am back home now. My social life at college fluctuated greatly. Sometimes I was doing really good, meeting new people and going to social events. Others times there were long periods of depression where I wouldn’t do anything. I have bad social anxiety so these situations are hard for me but I tried my hardest. The best thing was being on campus allowed me to meet people easier because I had to interact with people in my dorm and in my classes. Well now I home and I’m scared I’m going to fall back into depression and I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any social scenarios here that would lead me to meet people. Any advice?

  1. For most people, all you need is 1 or 2 special friends who can be your world and you can be theirs. Unfortunately they’re hard to find… I mean, I only found my BFF 2 years ago. I’ve had friends before, but no one who I’ve had this kind of connection with. Just continuing life and live it to your fullest. People will cross your path and some will go in a second, but the right ones will stay forever. Granted, just like any other relationship, it’s going to take lots of work and dedication. Definitely worth it though. As for the depression part. Friends can’t fix that, nor are they meant to. You need to work on yourself like everybody else. Friends can help and support you, but you need to learn to be okay with yourself. Until you can fully love yourself and be someone who can love and support others.

  2. Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be? You might try joining some local meet-ups (meetup.com) and/or getting a job and cutting down on caffeine to reduce anxiety, exercising to reduce depression (an exercise class for added social interaction), and/or seeking out therapy. The worst thing is probably for you to sit at home doing nothing. I speak from experience.

  3. Age has nothing to do with it, If you can’t make friends through school anymore then join groups that share your interests. I have social anxiety too but I’ve made friends through online gaming (because that’s what I’m interested in) and kept contact with some old school friends. Where are your college friends? If there’s any you miss talking to try to catch up with them. Holding on to your relationships is just as important as making new friends

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