I never really see anyone on here talk about this and maybe it’s not talked about because it doesn’t matter much, but I’m curious on people thoughts with Dating and Financials.

Throwing a scenario out here. Let’s say you have a young Man that makes decent money, but just starting out in his career so currently in the phase of building wealth, but really wants to date. Let’s say he meets a pretty established woman and maybe she likes nice dates and nice things and he wants to do that for her, but not at the expense of going outside his budget and spending savings.

Open to any thoughts and advice.

  1. Then you communicate what you are capable of affording and how often. Just be up front about it. Would much rather someone own what they can and can’t do.

  2. If you date someone long enough eventually the subject of finances come up. I don’t think that guys want to feel like a walking wallet. Girls like to be treated also. But I personally feel its good to communicate about these things as dating goes along. Personally, I like to buy dinner, dates, etc. once in awhile. That way the relationship feels like both people are investing in it. Good luck!

  3. I regularly date men that make substantially less than me. I always split on dates, or pay the next time if he picks up the bill. I know I’m way in the minority, but ultimately, even if you’re with a woman who expects to be paid for you should only ever spend what you are comfortable spending. If you suggest the date then you should be able to choose the venue and therefore the price range, and if the woman takes the piss and tries to get you to spend more than you want then ask her to split or don’t waste your time on her because she is not entitled to anything by virtue of dating you, and really is any woman worth you spending all your money on?

  4. My advice is, do what you can afford. Meet who you can afford. My brother liked a girl, and she liked him back. He’s just starting out in his career, and noticed early on that she liked expensive things. She was rich and could buy him a $250 perfume after a MONTH of dating . He wanted to gift her some cute dolls and chocolate in the $15-30 range. They’re 21M/20F. He’s doing nice things for her, but she was obviously not satisfied with them.
    He decided to end things because he felt the financial class was different between them. She’s the kind who had Prada, Louis Vuitton bags since she was a teen.
    She also drove my brother around in a Tesla lol (he doesn’t have a car, working on his license)

  5. I’ve dated someone who’s in a different phase as me, financially and career wise. He has a good paying job and can budget his money wisely in between investments, savings, bills, and etc. So whenever we go out, he mostly plans and pays for it. On the other hand, I’m a student and still working on my career. I’m the kind of person who almost never asked for anything. I just go with the flow when he plans something and work my way around it. I sometimes wished that we were in the same phase in life financially.

  6. It‘s about the gesture and spending time togehter not about how many michelin stars the restaurant has (said the well established woman). Be creative and find exiting things to do that don’t cost a lot like romantic picknicks, hikunt tours, nice lunch instead of diner etc. However, don‘t try to avoid paying the bill but be open about your financial possibilities.

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