American politics are weird to us Europeans

  1. …what makes you think that the only people who don’t like Democrats are Communists?

    Or that there are even enough Communists in the country for their opinions to be relevant?

    Or that the rest of the country even bothers to entertain the opinions of Communists?

    European perspectives on America are confusing to us Americans.

  2. Democrats are just one of the political parties, nothing more.

    Don’t read too much into the name.

  3. Just gonna be a douche and say America isn’t a true democracy it’s a democratic republic

    And also just because you’re apart or a party doesn’t mean you have to like every person in it. Some People don’t like Obama due to the amount of drone strikes he approved when he was in office. Does that mean you fundamentally hate democracy absolutely not.

    Same thing for republicans.

    You can criticize bush or trump on the things they’ve done as well. Does this mean republics are fundamentally wrong and everything about that political philosophy is bad? Also absolutely not.

    and lastly democrats doesn’t = free and republicans = fascist.

    They both want and agree on a free country

  4. Democrats are just a party name. The parties may as well be called team A and team B or whatever. The ability to freely argue IS the democracy. I can get on all or any platform or site and say my full name and I think the president is a big idiot. People will argue with me or call me an idiot but no police or soldiers are going to show up at my house. That is the democracy.

  5. “Democrat” and “Republican” are just the names of political parties. The names have nothing to do with their political stance towards democracy, the republic, or anything.

  6. I don’t like the Democrats because they don’t stand for freedom, but then again, I don’t like the Republicans either because they don’t stand for freedom. Looking at European politics as well, they don’t stand for freedom either. Your politics are very weird as well!

  7. What? How are these things being linked together?

    A communist is not a Democrat, but how “opposite” they are from each other I couldn’t tell you except for one very specific point and that’s their view on Capitalism. Democrats generally support capitalism even if they think it should be reformed to equal out economic inequality. A communist wants to abolish capitalism in favor of Socialism. Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society that is broken up into communes where people do what they can and get what they need. How you get there is where you run into trouble. A Marxist-Leninist will tell you that you need the state to take control of the economy to suppress the capitalist class (so called “dictatorship of the proletariat”) after the revolution and the State will wither away, leaving you with a communist society. This is what the USSR was, or was supposed to be anyway. An anarchist-communist wants to do away with the state entirely and go straight to a communist society and sees the Marxist-Leninist state socialism, and all states for that matter, as inherently authoritarian. Communists generally believe in democracy as you need to elect representatives in workers councils and unions, but anarchists may or may not favor a democratic approach believing that democracy implies a “tyranny of the majority” which requires coercion to enforce and anarchists oppose all socially coercive hierarchies.

  8. We have a Dem POTUS and a Dem majority in both houses of Congress. Clearly there’s a good amount of people who don’t “hate democrats”.

    That said we’re a country of 330,000,000 so if the question is “are there people who do x or think Y?”, the answer is there’s at least hundreds of not thousands who do so. It doesn’t mean its particularly popular but we’re a large country so even a particularly unpopular or niche belief or opinion can have thousands of people who fall into that category.

  9. People incorrectly associate “communism” with oppression because China is communist and oppressive. Communism has nothing to do with oppression. Communism is not the opposite of democracy. Communism is the opposite of capitalism.

  10. In the US, a Democrat is the party of the left, which has been dragged farther to the left in recent years by the extremists in the party, many of whom self identify as socialist.

    In the US “Democrat” represents big government, socialist spending, government takeover of private industry, and enforcement of “political correctness” and “thought policing”.

    The opposite of this is smaller government, self reliance, personal freedom, personal responsibility, and capitalism.

  11. Okay.

    There are two major political parties in the United States, the Democrats and the Republicans. Those names are effectively meaningless marketing terms; it’s not one party saying “We want a democracy” and the other one saying “We want a republic.” The names of the parties are so arbitrary, that in the mid-20th century they actually switched places, people who were Democrats became Republicans and people who were Republicans became Democrats.

    Other political parties exist, but they don’t matter. In practice they’ll be referred to as “independents” and will caucus with either the Republicans or Democrats, whoever more closely resembles their own platforms. A notable example is Bernie Sanders, a progressive socialist who caucuses with Democrats and has run for President in the Democratic primaries, because an independent candidate has absolutely no chance at election in our current system.

    Let me sum up the two political parties:


    Typically represented by the color blue and a donkey mascot. The Democratic party is what America has instead of a left wing; they would be considered center-right in Europe. A social studies teacher will tell you the Democrats favor a large and powerful government that provides a lot of social benefits for citizens and tend to lean socially liberal. In practice, the older leadership of the party are, well, old people. They miss the way it used to be, resist change, and wonder why 25 year olds can’t just buy a house like they did. *actual* liberals, the kind of folks pulling for social programs, minority and gender rights etc. tend to be independents that caucus with the Democrats to get anything done. I would not describe them as “communist” but progressive and social policies are almost always associated with the Democrats. The current leader of the Democratic party is Joe Biden, President of the United States. (The President is always the leader of his party, so this one is easy to call).


    Typically represented by the color red and an elephant mascot; sometimes referred to as the Grand Old Party or the GOP. The Republican party is the conservative right wing party. A social studies teacher would tell you that the Republicans favor a small and weak government with a limited role in the daily lives of the general population, and prefer traditional, religious values. In practice, the Republican party is made up of Christian extremists, xenophobes and racists. In their more sane moments, they resist excessive government spending and prefer the efficiency of the private sector. In their considerably numerous more insane moments, they’re violent autocratic fascists. Many members of the Republican party identify as Nazis, swastikas and all. Leadership of the party not currently in the White House is typically one of the Leaders in congress; majority or minority leader of the House or Senate, depending. That would be either Mitch McConnell (R. Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader) or Kevin McCarthy, (R. California, House Minority Leader). However, former President Donald Trump still holds a large cult of personality within the Republican party, so…history is being written.

  12. The Democratic Party (capital D) and Republican Party (Capital R, or often written as its nickname, the GOP) are the two main political parties in the United States.

    Both parties are democratic (small d) in that they support democracy.

    Your post also assumes that communism and democracy are the only two political systems, and in direct opposition.

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