How does your significant other feel about whatever you collect?

  1. I collect sex toys because I’m a sex journalist and get sent a lot of them for work. My partner is usually delighted by this or at least feels neutral about it (depending on the quality of what I’ve needed to review lately), except that storage space is perpetually an issue.

  2. I collect house plants and rescued animals. My fiance is super supportive and also a great sounding board for whether or not something is too much.

  3. He’s fine with it and he mentioned being ok with buying me a bookshelf for my manga collection when I move in 🙂

  4. It ranges fromdisinterest to disgust lol. He doesn’t have issue with the spoons or keys or plushes or dinosaur figures or gemstones, he is not the biggest fan of the bones, skins, dead stuff

  5. He’s indifferent. I collect candles. I have enough to open my own shop. If it makes me happy he doesn’t care that I have them.

  6. I collect LoTR merchandise. He loves LoTR but doesn’t see the appeal in collecting so I frequently get the “haven’t you got that already?” or “it’s a waste of space and money” remarks but he ultimately knows it makes me happy and what I do with my own space, time and money is my own business. He collects computer stuff and as much as I don’t see the appeal, as long as he has the funds and room for whatever he buys, it’s no concern of mine.

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