At what age do you feel like you have lost all hope in finding a partner?

  1. In my experience this is less about age and more about overall emotional state. Even at 22 I occasionally felt I was “too old” to make a meaningful connection, which is obviously bullshit.

  2. Im a 23 year old man and i lost hope back in middle school. Society has been a major factor for why my dating experience has been bad.

  3. I feel like that now at 28. Even though I know it’s not true and that lots of people my age are single.

    Watching everyone around me getting engaged, married or having kids is hard. I think that’s affecting me more than anything – the feeling of being left behind.

  4. Im 35 soon, wouldn’t say I’m hopeful but definitely not feeling like hope is lost at all

  5. 25 (almost 26). I know I’m young but everybody at this age is either in a long term relationship, married/engaged, or there’s a very obvious reason as to why they’re single.

    I’m mature enough to not want to date any younger, but the conditions above apply to anybody older.

    I’m just sick of this generation and what we’ve become.

  6. 31 year old single male right here…………………ripe for the taking……………………just saying.

  7. 47, and totally burnt out. I was doe-eyed and hopeful in the dating world for much longer than I should have been. I also tried everything and now feel like I have no energy/heart left to make any effort especially on the apps. If it were to happen I would be gloriously surprised lol

  8. I have a partner but considering my grandmother remarried at 84 and my uncle got married at 52 for the first time, I don’t think there’s an age you won’t find someone at.

  9. I’ve had better luck when I wasn’t looking for a partner, but I was just looking to improve my mental health and find some decent friends. My partner happened to reach out to me. Initially I wasn’t that interested, but I decided to go for it because they were a good friend and now we’re married.

    I think what I’m trying to say is that I think trying to directly find a partner is skipping some steps. Never stop being open to options in partners, but focus on you and investing in people who make good friends first.

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