Idk how but for some reason I can be talking about my day or what I got myself for dinner or something random. And just out of left field a guy will somehow try turning the conversation to what he wants to do to me sexually. šŸ˜ I donā€™t understand, how do I avoid this if Iā€™m looking for a relationship? Do I just block them or not respond? Do I tell them Iā€™m not interested in sexting? Am I the only one experiencing this??

  1. i usually just donā€™t respond but i feel like there has to be another way. i mean either way tho, i prob wouldnā€™t wanna be with a guy who acts like that. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

  2. What you need to get out of your head is that being sexual early means someone is not interested in a relationship with you.

  3. Unfortunately you canā€™t.. you can be having a completely normal conversation.. then they hit you with a dick pic or some shit.
    All you can do is immediately shut it down and/or block.

  4. Block and move on. Someone who wants a relationship isnā€™t going to ask for nudes out of left field

  5. You canā€™t avoid this. As women, we attract all sorts of guys, including assholes. But we have the responsibility to decide to what we respond to. When the conversation turns sexually after few msg, you have few options, but mine is to not reply to these sexters. At some point they gonna ask why you donā€™t reply, you tell them you are enot into sexting strangers. Somme will not write to you anymore. Some will say sorry and not do it again, but many will either tell you you are no fun(lol) or agree to not sext only to sext later. The latter is a block/delete automatically.

    It worked as a charm for me, Iā€™m not losing my time with these idiots. You canā€™t prevent random men to sext you, but you can decide how to respond.

  6. Step 1: block them. They’re grown men so telling to stop has no effect when they are protected by the black mirro(phones) to be anonymous.

  7. Iā€™ve noticed on dating apps that I canā€™t respond after a certain hour. When guys ask me what Iā€™m doing I will purposely respond the next morning.

  8. I havenā€™t seen you get a true genuine answer yet so Iā€™ll answer: be very straightforward and open, donā€™t hint or tease or use anything in your language and wording to make it seem like any sort of innuendo even playfully. Not until you know the guy very well.

    The more open and straightforward and stubborn and confident you are and slap back at them when they try to be that way the less youIā€™l get it

  9. The guys that do this only see you for fulfilling a purpose. For them to get laid. They are showing you upfront they don’t care about you as a person, about your day, etc. Making a sexual joke or quip once is different than, “would your day be better if I was sliding your panties off ” (panties is a gross word in my mind).

    IMO, respond with a condescending remark, like “Eww people still try to cyber??” (Popular 99s term).

    If they really care about YOU and getting to know YOU, they’ll quickly change the behavior. Remember this for all occasions.

  10. I can assure you tons of girls deal with this and this won’t change. You will be in your 50s with guys doing this. šŸ™ block and move on\.

  11. If itā€™s a stranger just block them the second that they ask if itā€™s a guy your sewing talk to him about it and respond accordingly

  12. I just just don’t answer chat requests on reddit. 9.9 times out of 10 it’s just some ahole guy trying to hit up random women with stupid BS sexual crap. It’s either them or the ones who start a convo, talk to me for one day then piss off and I never hear from them again.

    So, they win. Now I won’t ever answer a chat request from anyone, ever. They can’t sext me if I don’t answer any of them.

  13. Keep texting at a bare minimum when youā€™re dating. Also, if youā€™re under the age of 23-24, this is pretty common unfortunately.

  14. well, in fact, i’m looking for relationship too, but that doesn’t crush me. you jus block them, cuz they dont matter for you, you might be important to some people. like perhaps me? lol. don’t know!

  15. When you give out your number, warn them that you’re not that kinda girl and if they do that, they’ll get insta-blocked with their contact list labeled as “CREEP”.

    Some girls sorta like that when they’re in a more advanced stage of relationship, but clearly, you don’t.

  16. It’s the law of averages. You can block them and move on, but it’s going to keep happening. Why? Because for every one woman who doesn’t like it, there’s 2 or 3 more who do. At least sometimes when the mood strikes them lol. So… Why would guys stop? Just like when a guy does something crazy like pull your hair on a first date and tell you he’s going to tie you up or something. Why did he do that? Because for every woman who thinks he’s a psychotic creep there’s another who instantly likes it and who immediately loses interest if a guy doesn’t do something similar. I guess all you can do is set clear boundaries and continue to endure lol.

  17. I was once having nice messages back-and-forth with a guy on a dating app. It mightā€™ve been the second day we were messaging. We were talking about how he liked to go to the premieres of comic book movies and he turned the conversation into a sexual innuendo about showing up not in costume, but naked. And when I didnā€™t respond like he wanted, he decided that we didnā€™t have much in common because he needed someone with a dirty mind like he did šŸ˜³

    What I mean to say is, I honestly have no idea how to avoid it. Because even when you think you found a good one, they arenā€™t.

  18. You literally just have to realize that they obviously only want sex out of the relationship and end it immediately. It’s very clear they will not work for you.

  19. I’m on tinder and guys use it for hookups. But I don’t like it when guys directly start asking me what I like in bed or how experienced I am.

    A guy asked me the other day, “do you like sucking cock and me cumming in your mouth”?

    I stopped responding and unmatched him…

    I understand they just want sex but I’m not a sexual object. I am a human being.

  20. Best advice is to say no in the most blunt obvious manner you can think of

    Say things like shut up or fuck off . .

    Might seem rude,but in a worse case scenarios women have found themselves in awful situations being polite.

    Alot of the times they’re so turned on and trying to see if they can spin it to have you help scratch that itch.

    Start saying and doing things that would seem like a turn off or gross and they’ll switch over or maybe be like talk later so they can deal with it however possible.

  21. Just wanted to chime in to say no youā€™re not the only one experiencing this unfortunately. Itā€™s incredibly frustrating. I genuinely just think theyā€™re testing the waters to see how you respond

  22. you tell them to knock it off as you dont like it, then if they keep it up you block them. unless they do it right off the bat, then you block their ass as they are a creep.

  23. I will say that I find it weird that so many people don’t write anything on their profiles. There’s plenty of women that I avoid because they say explicitly what they’re looking for, and I ain’t it.

    If you did clarify that you don’t want sexting or hookups, then not much you can do.

  24. It happens all the time. Check out my last post. I was talking about PIZZA FLAVORS and the guy found a way to make a sexual comment after like 3 messages. Itā€™s not your fault, itā€™s not just with you and I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything you can do to stop this from happening, unfortunately.
    I usually reply calling them out and unmatch later when theyā€™ve seen it. Thereā€™s not much else you can do.

  25. I wouldnā€™t engage with those type of guys. I donā€™t speak about intimacy until a connection and chemistry is established.

  26. Obviously gotta fight fire with fire. If they bring out the sexting you bring out the no deal unless you get to peg with a cactus. Gotta keep one upping them until theyā€™re in deadly terrain and failing their saving throws.

  27. I call them out, they try to defend themselves, but I keep calling them out, they might even try to put it on you (happened a several times with me). For me this just shows how disgusting and guilt ridden they are, they would say anything to try to get rid of the guilt. While their words anger me, I just know calling them out makes them miserable. Some might even block you!

    It’s fun to see them finding arguments to defend their uncalled for behaviour! But also, only do this, keeping in mind that their words would have the potential to hurt you! If you don’t wanna go through it, just simply block them! There is no right or wrong way to approach this! Also, report them.

  28. I use to just block but I got so tired of it I started confronting some of these dudes. Literally asking them, ā€œ why did you turn the conversation about sex when I was just trying to tell you how work was?ā€ Or ā€œ I donā€™t like it when you sext me. I didnā€™t consent to it and would like it to stop.ā€ They either stop talking to me (not block me, they lurk my social) and/or apologize profusely saying ā€œIā€™m sorry! I shouldā€™ve never did that but I did anyway!ā€ I get that statement so much that I say ā€œ but you did anyway. Why did you choose to go along with it?ā€ Then they just apologize and say they donā€™t know. I think most of these guys are shooting their shot and trying to see where your boundaries are at. Men arenā€™t use to confrontation like this from women. Donā€™t be afraid to speak up. Make them use to hearing our voice because itā€™s about time itā€™s heard.

    P.s. I encourage yā€™all to do this to your guy ā€œfriendsā€ too. If theyā€™re really your friend they would respect your boundaries and try to mend the relationship.

  29. A succinct “ew” usually does the job you can also tack on a “what is wrong with you?” if you want to really rub it in. Or just block. I go with whatever my mood calls for.

  30. Create a private Onlyfans account and send the link to men like that. Beat them at their own game. Why not make a profit from men who will never stop asking. Imo.

  31. Well, there are so many people out there that sext, when you donā€™t have an engaging conversation, men may think your just another sexter too. So they like, hmmmm, maybe sheā€™s into fast meaningless relationships like so many other people, maybe if I play the bad guy cause women love bad guys, I can get her close and try to change her mind into having a serious relationship.

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