How do I reach out to her?

I (M 19) had a friend (F 19) in high school. We were very close up until college, tho she only is a couple hours away, we lost touch. A lot of it I feel was my fault and I will explain why. She had traveled out of the for half a year during Covid and in that time she had really given me a lot of signs that she liked me more than a friend, as did I. When she returned from her long vacation once everything cooled down, we got back to hanging out and it was amazing. She was noticeable into me, but I was playing too many games with her. We were 17 at the time, but I had been getting with another girl, and she found out about it. We had hung out a couple more times before she finally stopped texting me, and wanting to hangout. I eventually saw her about 8 months later, we caught up and smoked up and it went well. But none of us has texted each other since then, and I miss her a lot. I fucked up a chance with the girl I loved and I want to fix this. How should I go about this? How do I reach out to her?

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