We’ve been talking for 4 months but have known each other 4 years as friends from school. We have recently started getting serious and intimate. We both said we aren’t talking to anyone else. He said he thinks we are exclusive but not official and I didn’t respond because I wasn’t sure I understood.

Today I went clubbing and a Colombian girl was pressuring me to kiss her and I eventually said fine and just did a peck.

I feel so guilty and like shit because we are getting serious. But we aren’t official and I’m not really sure if he intends to (no dates or flowers ever). He hides his phone when he goes on it when we hang out so I’m not sure what to make of us or what we even are.

Do I tell him about the kiss?

1 comment
  1. You sound like a super good person and would be awesome in a relationship. The thing is, he isn’t your man yet until you are in a relationship, and not in the “talking” phase. Don’t feel guilty about a tiny kiss with a woman. The thing is though, don’t let strangers pressure you into uncomfortable situations. Stand your ground if you don’t want to kiss a gal at the club.

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