(F26) Friendship is in quotes because to be honest it isn’t really a friendship at all but I have this hope that it can be. I need someone to hit me with some sense of reality.

To preface this, I do have a hard time of making and keeping friends.

Around four years ago I tried to get close with someone I thought could be a good friend. Id reach out to hang out with them and tried to be a good friend. I noticed at the end of a year and half of hanging out with them that the friendship was fizzling out. I just don’t think we had that much in common as I thought we did. I tried to become more knowledgeable about their interests but that wasn’t enough. I cared about them but it was clearly one sided. I kinda got the feeling that they didn’t enjoy my presence like I enjoyed theirs. Naturally we just stopped seeing each other and I stopped reaching out to them.

Two years past after that and I had the inclination about two weeks ago to reach out again and see if they’d like to catch up or hang out. I’ve yet to hear a response from them. I’m not that surprised and feel saddened that they have no interest in responding to me. Maybe they just don’t care and I need to accept it. How do you accept realizing that a person you cared about just doesn’t equally care about you?

Sometimes I have this feeling of regret like I shouldn’t have messaged them in the first place because I knew they wouldn’t respond. Like I was delusional into thinking they’d respond. How can I move on from these feelings and emotional burden?

TLDR- I tried to make a friend 3-4 years ago. Friendship was one sided and we had very little common interests. I stopped reaching out for two years. I had the inclination to reach out again a few weeks ago but they never responded. How can I accept the fact that they don’t want to be friends with me and move on.

  1. I think maybe you are putting too much focus on wanting a friendship, instead of finding the right people. You said about how you researched their interests, but what are your own interests? Maybe start with finding some hobbies you’re interested in & then naturally you’ll find people along the way who share those same interests. Focus on getting yourself into new things & I’m sure the rest will aline!

  2. What do YOU like to do? What are YOUR hobbies? Join groups, clubs, local Facebook groups, etc that are about things YOU like and you’ll find friends quickly. Don’t change yourself to try to make people like you. You’re gonna do great, just try a different approach. ❤️

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