Hey everyone I was in an unhappy relationship and met a new woman. This new woman seemed to good to be true… Like my soulmate. When we were together we could conquer the world. In the beginning I was not fourth coming with her about a few things. It was wrong but we fell more and more in love. We took a trip together and it was amazing! I truly was prepared to spend the rest of my life with her. She started digging and found out my truths. I told her that I was breaking it off with the unhappy relationship that I was in. She took it among herself to call the girl I was with, my mom, this other girl and the girl I was with a ex husband. She has made an incredible amount of problems for me…. I was wrong but do you think that she was out of line??? I personally think it’s a little crazy

  1. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But since you asked this is the consequences of your own actions.

  2. Sounds like you were in the wrong and doing your soon to be ex a favor. Don’t care how unhappy a relationship is, cheating is wrong. Enjoy your new dating life now that everyone knows what a loser you are.

  3. Why would she do that? Let me count the ways…….

    You were a deceitful, selfish ass that wasted her time and energies.

    Any questions?

  4. This is satire or you literally have zero self awareness. You sound stupid and delusional. Cheaters deserve everything that comes to them.

  5. Man, though cheating is wrong these people are being a bit harsh on you. This shouldn’t be a place of judgment and you clearly didn’t intend to do this on purpose. Learn the lesson and move on: Don’t stay in a relationship your unhappy in because this is what happens when you eventually meet someone you really like. As far as the new girl, yea she mightve over reacted but still you did more of the wrong here by playing 2 girls. So I would apologize to both, try to be honest about it and what you felt, and accept your wrongs. Hopefully the air will clear a bit for you and you will find peace. Maybe this is a good time to be alone and focus on yourself. Hope you find peace.

  6. Impossible to follow. I feel there are parts missing or that you mashed up two (or three) different stories together.

  7. Have you read what you just posted? You were in love with a girl you weren’t in a relationship with and planned to marry her while being in a relationship with someone else. Good for the girl that went crazy and exposed you !!! That’s Karma biting you right back in the ass!

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