Is it the equivalent of me wanting someone taller for example?

Edit: we are in the talking stage but it’s going well.

  1. It doesn’t matter, a bloke isn’t with u for the size of ur tits.

    Side note: I like little handful sizes, large breasts are just too much.

  2. If he said yes, he wants you. There’s no use worrying about your body, if someone can’t see your beauty they’re not worth your time.

  3. *Preferring bigger boobs* ≠ *Preferring a girl with bigger boobs*.

    I prefer bigger boobs, but if I like a girl, I also like the boobs she comes with.

  4. You’ll find it’s not as important to other people as you imagine. A lot of people aren’t particular about breast size at all and many like little ones.

  5. Every guy is different. Lots of guys don’t like big boobs. Lots of guys LOVE big boobs.

    I used to have a neighbor who had a big nose. Pretty girl, nice body, nice hair, nice face, but a big nose. Nothing at all wrong with her. She was fine. But she JUST couldn’t stand it and decided to have cosmetic surgery.

    Now she has a big nose and huge fake boobs.

  6. As a girl with enormous boobs, I always get insecure that the guy I’m with would prefer a girl with smaller and perkier boobs. In all seriousness, I don’t think they care.

  7. Tiny tits are the best tits. I mean boobs are awesome, but if I can fit the whole thing in my mouth, it’s amazing!!

  8. im a girl, but i thought id comment anyway.

    boobs are boobs. he’s gonna take the ones you put in front of him and hes gonna love them, because he loves you 🙂

  9. He’s obviously with YOU for a reason. If he wanted a girl with bigger boobs, then he’d probably be with her instead

  10. I prefer books that don’t always get in the way or not allow her to be active without pain. They can be too big, but not really too small.

  11. We don’t all crave humongous boobs. You’re more than your boobs. All boobs are pretty fantastic – try not to worry about it.

  12. There is no universal rule about what men find attractive. Some men like bigger boobs, some like them smaller, and some don’t care at all.

    Yes, it’s just like you wanting someone taller. Some women want someone taller, some want them shorter, and to some it makes no difference.

  13. Seriously not important.

    People have different physiques and as long as you look good for your own physique you’re fine. (Not talking about morbidly obese people, but like tall & skinny vs naturally curvy etc.)

    There are some very attractive women with small breasts who would look worse with breasts that were any bigger.

  14. I prefer above average breast, but that carries 0 importance when I’m with someone. The thought that I’m dissatisfied with anything smaller never crosses my mind

  15. Preferring bigger boobs = Preferring bigger 🍆

    They should be happy anyone wanted to tolerate their stupidly high standards

  16. At the end of the day you have to trust your partner and believe what they tell you if they say they’re happy with you as you are. I personally prefer smaller boobs, but more important is who they’re attached to. Big or small doesn’t really matter as long as I like *you*.

  17. I’ve been married 20 years and with my wife for 25. I’ve seen her boobs go through various sizes due to pregnancy and lactation and one thing remains true. I love her. Her boobs are fantastic because they’re on her.

    It’s the person they’re on that matters. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  18. Let’s flip the scenario.

    Imagine a guy likes you, but he is worried you’ll like a taller guy.

    Sure, if he was 6’3” you’d probably be more attracted to him *at first*.

    But, he’s attractive enough.

    And after spending some time with him, you really dig his personality, character, and stuff that you ultimately find more important than height – which is ultimately just one physical characteristic.

    You end up dating. In that time, you realize he’s attractive exactly the way he is.

    And the chemistry you developed is great. So now you’re extremely attracted to him.

    Sure, you wouldn’t complain if he grew 6 inches.

    But you’re not not attracted to him because of his lack of height.

    In fact, you’re as attracted to him as you can be – regardless of his height.

    Now you love him.

    You love him exactly the way he is and wouldn’t want to change anything about him.

    Even if height is what you find the hottest about men, you don’t want to change this person even a little.

    Again, you wouldn’t complain if he sprouted up magically. But you ultimately can’t get more attracted to this person you love more than you already are.

    And you think “Damn. I’m glad I gave this person a chance. Even though I would’ve designed a boyfriend differently (taller), I’m incredibly happy with what I have right here. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

    Do you think this scenario is possible?


    Now forget it.

    Because none of that shit applies to guys.

    Big tits or gtfo.

  19. Absolutely doesn’t matter. I’m a single dad, and meet with single moms more often than not. Or even when dealing with my ex-wife (still good friends) – they get depressed because their boobs aren’t what they used to be. As people, I love them to death, and find them infinitely more attractive. I still appreciate other boobs, but I’d rather see these ones, you know? Hope this helps! I’m sure you’re gorgeous.

  20. To me, that’s the perfect size. Pause. Of course, if I really care about her, it doesn’t matter what size they are, if one’s bigger than the other, etc.

    If I’m with someone, I am at the point I want a long term relationship or marriage. D+ may seem cool in theory but it’s hard on a woman’s back and only looks “better” in the short term.

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