TLDR: parents, especially my mom hate my girlfriend because of past events from 2 years ago even though me and my gf have since made amends. They are pressuring me to break up with her even though me and my gf are both really happy together because they feel she is selfish and manipulative which I disagree with.

Me and my girlfriend met 2 years ago just as COVID began. We talked over the phone constantly for months on end while not being able to see each other. During this time we had only met once and were just friends. However, we also acted immaturely and occasionally got upset t with each other to the point of blocking one another. This had a dramatic effect on my parent’s viewpoint of our relationship and they began to dislike her as a person. Flash forward a year from that point and after being friends and talking regularly over the course of 10 months without any issues between us we decided to start dating. Our relationship is everything I’ve ever asked for, we are very happy together, never fight, have common interests, etc. We have deep feelings for one another and love each other while also being each other’s best friends. During the past year, our relationship itself has had very few problems and the problems we do face are quickly subsided with mutual understanding and respect for each other. However, my parents still hold grudges against her from the events that occurred over the phone from 2 years ago. It’s gotten bad enough that I feel like I have to lie in order to prevent my parents from being pissed off at me. I lie about the places me and my gf go together, what time I’m coming home and what my plans are. I don’t want to lie but I feel as though I have to in order to protect my relationship and to stop my parents from being pissed and telling me I can’t go to places and do things with her. I also lie since they truly believe that I am manipulated into taking her to places that I want to go to and see, which isn’t even true. I plan the vast majority of our dates since she does not have a car, however, I only take her to places if we both want to go. She will usually plan dates that are close by to us, we are both happy with how we plan things to do together so that is not a concern, but the mere fact that I take her on different dates to places that are 30 min to 1-hour drives (which is not that common) has my parents constantly telling me that I am being secretly manipulated into driving her to those places and that she doesn’t have my best interest and that she’s just selfish. Just last week she had sent me a picture of cookies she had made several days after we had seen each other and my parents immediately assumed that she was selfish for not making cookies while I was visiting, even though my gf has baked cookies cakes and made a multitude of over food for me in the past. I believe that my parents have the wrong impression of my girlfriend as they have only talked and met her on one occasion 2 years ago, and that I do not tell them about positive events in our relationship so as not to make my parents think I am lying about how good things are and rubbing my relationship in their face. Right now I am being pressured on a regular basis by both parents to break up with her, sometimes with them yelling at me to wake up and agree with what they say about her. I love my girlfriend too much to leave her, but I love family equally as much. I am really stressed out and I just don’t know what to do. I want my family to change their view of my girlfriend and I want to be transparent and honest from this point forward.

1 comment
  1. I think you might be wrong here.

    I think your parents actually hate that you’re putting so much energy and money into a relationship that is just … pretty flip. You’re in a relationship that has been nearly 100% phone/internet based, has had multiple break-ups, and even once things are going “well”, you cannot be honest about it.

    OK< so you started on a bad foot. If you want to put the effort into being “right” with your folks, talk about your relatinoship.

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