Help! I can’t get my ring off. What do I do?

  1. Windex works wonders, spray it on your finger and around the ring.

    Also had luck with dawn before

  2. There’s the obvious suggestions of soap, lube, etc. Next time you take a shower, lather up your finger good and see what you can do. Or try oil or lube of some kind. Be careful because continued effort could damage the tissue causing mild swelling so don’t get too aggressive.

    If removing it is not an urgent need, the long term solution is losing weight. I’ve been going with that approach since the first of the year and am closer now than I have been since before the pandemic and some pandemic weight gain.

    As a last resort, it will need to be cut off and for that, you’ll likely need help, ideally from someone skilled in cutting so close to flesh. My first guess would be fire department or EMS.

  3. Put your hand in ice water or hold something frozen for as long as you can, your finger will shrink a bit.

  4. My husband can’t take off his ring but it wasn’t tight . He is in construction. He used soap

  5. Happened to me at 9 months pregnant, ended up going to jewelry store to get it cut off and had them repaired/resized a few month later after all the post partum swelling was done with

  6. You probably already have this figured out but to me it looks like you’re pulling on it in a weird way. I could never take my ring off like that. Try putting your right thumb under your ring, palm side, with your first and second fingers on top, them push upwards with your thumb while pulling it off.

  7. Ice your hand first – that will make it smaller – use soap or olive oil – if you can’t get it off – a jeweler can cut it off and resize it for you.

  8. Drink a ton of water and avoid sugar and sodium for a day or two to get rid of any swelling.

  9. When I was around 8 months pregnant with my twins I woke up one morning very swollen and not able to take my band off, it was super painful and tried everything like the floss, but eventually I had to go to urgent care and they cut it off 😢

  10. Regular hand soap always works for me if my finger’s swollen.

    And let this be a good time to point out that you are supposed to remove rings at night and never sleep with them on. It gives the finger time to rest and also prevents wear and tear which is a thing with jewelry.

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