Funny question I know but I’ve been thinking on and off about this. Went to a place on vacation where it was legal and had some fun, one girl before and after told me I’m big, another said it’s perfect afterwards. Now I would love to take what they are saying as truth but, being that it’s a transactional service I can’t help but wonder if they were just saying it to say it. Anybody have thoughts on it? I guess part of why I’m so curious is because I’ve heard varying things about it throughout my life from it’s too small to it’s big to it’s average etc

TLDR: if a prostitute compliments your size after you’ve already paid and had sex is it valid or just business?

  1. If you believe a hooker that your dick is big, I have a few oil wells in our back yard that I can sell you for a real killer price.

  2. Most times it is an ego boost. Once in a while she really means it. if you really want to know measure your cock and see. Place a ruler along the top of your erection. If you measure six inches or more you have a larger than average cock. Then you know she is always telling the truth.

  3. If you’ve heard that it’s big and small and average throughout your life, it’s probably average. That is to say, bigger than some people have had, smaller than others have had, and about the same as what others have had.

  4. She’s paid to say whatever she thinks you want to hear and to compliment you and make you feel that you didn’t just pay for sex. That she actually is into it. That’s the game, that’s the service.

    If you pay a woman (stripper, prostitute etc.) they will lie and laugh with you and make you feel special. The sex part is barely the deal. It’s the lie you pay for.

    I can’t imagine paying a man to have sex with me and to take his compliments to heart. I’m paying for compliments not just a dildo dick. You could buy a Fleshlight, but you wanted the pretend hot woman that wants you fantasy. She did well as you almost believe it. Not that I read about your dick size or that your dick is big or small. No matter what, telling a guy he’s big and he feels so good is part of the deal.

  5. Honestly, it wouldn’t faze me one way or another. There’s more than enough statistical information available online from reputable sites to allow you to estimate on your own where you fall on the size bell curve. A prostitute has a financial interest in making you feel good about yourself.

  6. I guess, if you are really big, then I’d believe them. Otherwise it’s like a used car salesman telling you a car was owned by a little old lady who only drove it on Sundays. What are you going to do, tell your customer that they’re hung like a five year old?!

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