What’s a situation you’ve been in that you’d thought you’d never recover or heal from?

  1. An abusive childhood then leaving that to an abusive relationships. I thought it would always be a repeating cycle

  2. Getting raped. It happened 7 years ago at university, by a classmate.

    I hated myself, made a few bad decisions, spent some years in denial. Took me 5 years to finally get therapy and start talking about it. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

    Aside from my sister and the perpetrators brother (met coincidentally at work), everyone I told told me they believed and supported me. I really thought the pain would kill me, but I’m doing okay now. I still have some work to do but a really feel heard, healed and happy.

  3. Addiction to drugs and subsequent job loss, being served divorce papers and having nowhere to go (homelessness). My address was the treatment center after I completed treatment. I was never so low. It was a humbling experience and it taught me that I was not special or different–I had to climb my way out of the hole I had dug myself into.

    Multi-general trauma and dysfunctional family relationships led me down a path that was insidious and quite destructive. I became accountable for my part in things and today I am much better (sober 8.5 years). Recovery is a lifelong process; I don’t think we ever truly “finish.” For me, it’s a continuous road.

    What about you, OP?

  4. Leaving an abusive relationship. He moved on right away and got the girl pregnant within like 6 months. It seems like his life got better after I left while mine got worse. I drank and smoked a lot of weed. I’m doing better now, 2 years later but I’m still struggling a lot

  5. Massive IV drug addiction and homelessness. At the same time. I honestly didn’t think I’d make it.

  6. I was dating my ex when his behavior started full on becoming abusive. He was setting the building blocks up: convincing me to ditch my friends (my main support group) and isolate me with how far away we were from my parents.

    But eventually, it got to the point where he was sexually assaulting me every day, emotionally abusing me, and making me an emotionless zombie. I really didn’t think I’d be able to make it through that.

    But now!! I’m married to a truly wonderful man who makes me laugh and smile every day as if it’s his mission. I’m doing really well now.

  7. I’m not going to give details of exactly what i said.

    However, the essense of the story is that i was medicated in highschool for anxiety on a type of drug that just wasn’t for me.

    Side effects included not giving a fuck about anything (like school, work, etc) and saying really stupid things that ended up embarrassing me and making my anxiety worse.

    One day i was at school and said something really fucked up to somebody in my class. He called me a wh**e. I went to the bathroom, i tried to unalive myself, regretted it and ended up at the hospital. Changed schools. Was traumatized for about 5 years.

    I don’t think time heals everything, but it did do a pretty good job with me. It’s not like i forgot about it, but I found ways to cope i guess.

  8. My mom’s cancer diagnosis when I was 14. As an only child, that event shook my family of 3 to the core. She is ten years cancer free now.

  9. My last break up that ended in a miscarriage and him blocking me (not related). I never experienced physical pain from heartbreak until then. I’m honestly so proud of myself for continuing to stay in school and remaining focused at work. I’m still not ready to date again but I know I’m much stronger than I was and I’ll make a great partner in the future.

  10. Being date raped. He wanted to act out a particular scene from a porn film but couldn’t find a woman who would consent to it. Drugging me was his way to do it. Unfortunately he got too in to it and I ended up needing surgery – two became one. It took ages and ages for me to recover, both mentally and physically. I thought I’d never enjoy sex again or be able to use the toilet normally (I can, it’s all good). It took time and therapy for me to feel more like myself.

  11. Miserable childhood that culminated when my mom kicked me out when I was 14 years old. I still don’t know why.
    I lost my mom, my stepfather and twinbrother, my life…

    Luckily I could move to my father that took me in, and I have since realised my childhood was actually abusive with a lot of manipulation. I had some years full of anger and resentment towards myself and everyone around me, but I’ve also been through a lot of therapy.

    It’s been 9,5 years now, but I now have friends, a loving partner, a “healthy” relationship with my father and stepmother (we still have some issues), found out I’m autistic so I am now doing a lot better mentally also… I can go on.

    Last time I talked to my mom, was March, to let my brother know he could be prone to cancer, because my dad got told me his concerns for my brother when he told me about his diagnosis.
    She was so toxic in that phone call that I lost my last hope of getting to ask her why she kicked me out/ how she perceived it.

    But I am thankful that she sent me away. I would never have been this successful if I had continued to live with her.

  12. Being choked by someone I loved immensely. Then gaslit for a year that it didn’t happen, only to meet up with him later, crying and apologizing that he choked me and he was sorry.

  13. My insomnia. It was so bad for so many years and just got worse and worse and worse. I tried everything humanly possible and nothing worked. Eventually I became suicidal. After trying to commit suicide (and failing) I did a sleep study. After that, doctors finally took me seriously and they actually helped me for the first time ever.

    Sleep deprivation is torture and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

  14. Harassments from my old job, now that I’m in a new school, things have been getting so much better than before. I may be a crumpled up paper, but I am still paper.

  15. I had a miscarriage and immediately got pregnant again a week later. It wasn’t on purpose, I just wanted to feel something other than absolute heartbreak. My daughter will be 2 this year and I sometimes still can’t believe she’s real and happy and healthy after the tragedy before her.

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