Texted a girl I went out with last night “I love you” within 5 mins dropping her off home. We spent ~ 10 hours together, and got back home around 3 am. No kisses, but she fell asleep in my arms and we took “cute” (as she says) photo booth pics together and had a great time over all. She had mentioned that something going out with her multiple time in a weeks (this was out second time in 4 days) was very rare. She also asked me if I would have some free time at home this week (assuming she wanted to come over), to which I said no, and her response was something along the lines of “ok nevermind. It’s too early to meet the family”. Her reply this morning to the I love you text is “🥰” and “good morning”. How do I respond?

  1. She’s being polite because she likes you and she’s not ready to say I love you yet. Just chalk it up and continue to date. Save the I love you’s for later down the road.

  2. You’re doing fine. Try to relax. She’s into you.

    I hope that’s not the first time you’ve said it. Should have been face to face Romeo.

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