I have to ask because this has happened with every relationship with men. I’m 25 and have had 3 very short relationships, idk if they can be called that.

I had strong feelings for a man I worked with, and eventually started sleeping with him. He was always distant, said he was hurt in the past and can’t open up to a woman. He treated me quite badly and didn’t even want me to hug him so I said bye. Then he was still in my dms almost three months later saying he had feelings for me. I just randomly got a message from him and it’s been 6 months. I’ve never witnessed someone go from dgaf attitude to the most pitiful begging I’ve seen except in the context of dating. I guess they do it because they want sex but they know it won’t happen. When I leave, I lose attraction entirely and I tell them that. They have ALL done this to me. Only wanted me after I stopped caring about them. I have no words for it.

  1. >I guess they do it because they want sex but they know it won’t happen.

    Nothing to lose whatsoever by trying, everything to gain from merely a few finger taps. (( a good reason to BLOCK early on ))

  2. Basically you’re encountering men that just want sex. Finding a long term partner is hard. My suggestion would be to try making friends first and then exploring a romantic option

  3. Why are you sleeping with men that aren’t treating you right? Sex won’t make them like you any more than they did before.

  4. I think humans in general want what they can’t have. He’s currently chasing the validation of being able to get you back. Once he gets it, game is over and he goes back to treating you like shit

    This has nothing to do with you and your worth/value. Seems this guy is just emotionally unavailable

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