Im a 26M. How can I possibly meet women when I’m basically what they call a lone wolf? Let me explain.

I’m basically almost always by myself when I’m out and about on my business meetups. I’m not tied down to a job or school or any type of clubs, etc.
I have friends sure but they’re starting to feel like they’re not true friends in the sense that we don’t really talk like we used to anymore and they don’t put in any effort to meet and hang out.
I don’t have a strong connection to my family, they are just real negative at times and I’m not interested in putting up with that. Screw that, I’ll make my own family

I’m basically alone and it hurts when I think about it but I try not to let it get to me.

My main goal right now is to successfully meet and date women but I just can’t seem to get any dates either. I don’t want to have to rely on friends or family just to meet women like a majority of people do, I just want to go my own way and do it myself without getting involved in activities I have no desire to partake in, without the connections of other people. I want to do it myself so how can I?
Any advice?

  1. As you get older, it’s not unusual to experience this. It happens to more people than you think.

    There’s always the option of meeting people through work, if that’s not an option the next best thing is dating apps.

    Try the most common ones in your area… Unfortunately for men, most apps are geared towards subscriptions. So to have the best success you may have to subscribe for a month at minimum for tinder/bumble.

    Get a good profile together and let it do the work.

    Investing a little time and money is nothing considering the women you may meet.

    Everything takes a little investment so spending a few dollars on a subscription in the broader scheme of things is nothing.

  2. You can’t be in a relationship while omitting connections with others; you can’t date a person only when it’s convenient for you. It may be your attitude that’s unattractive to women who do want a stable, reliable commitment. You probably want to gain insight into your fear of meaningful connections before disappointing yourself in the dating pool, unless you’re just going to hire someone to be a girlfriend *experience*.

  3. I relate to what you’re saying a little bit

    My advice, take it or leave it, is to work on your relationships with other people

    Sounds like you don’t have strong bonds even with family (not judging here)

    A romantic relationship is just like any other relationship you may have

    If you can’t maintain any relationships, why would you be able to maintain a romantic one?

  4. Be a positive, confident presence wherever you go. Give freely of yourself. Be kind, gracious, and thoughtful in all of your interactions with people. Have a strong sense of purpose. If you radiate joy to those around you, women will take notice and be drawn to you. Display a magnetic personality even when performing the routine tasks of daily life. Women will even go out of their way to put themselves in your path. There is nothing more attractive to women than a man who is as free as a bird. Who wouldn’t want to see what it’s like being with someone like that?

    Source: being a lone wolf since day one.

  5. Im in the same boat as you bud although im 21 i still have loads to work on in regards to myself i just wish i had that bestfriend for life sorta thing but that feels like a dream at this point in my life.

  6. I’m similar in some respects mate.

    I’m close to my family, always have been.
    But outside of my family I tend to keep a very small circle, if one at all 🤷🏼‍♂️ it’s not that I’m socially awkward because I’m far from. It’s just I’ve been burnt by people in the past. Friends and partners so 🤦🏼

  7. First of all don’t ever call yourself a line wolf mate. Second. Learn to enjoy solitude and your own company, then just try going places and striking conversations. Plus it’s your mid 20s you’ll lose most of your friends and make new ones or the true ones will stay through your 30s

  8. You gotta find a way to increase your connections to other people. Find a way to build that social intelligence up.

    Maybe join a club, say yes to hanging out with people you don’t know. It’s really hard if you are and introvert, but making relationships is an incredibly useful skill.

    You need to practice being genuinely interested in what people have to say and digging into it. Practice on people you are not interested in dating to keep the pressure off.

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