My brain says, “It’s a group of people that have a lot of sex.” That doesn’t sound that bad. Do they like the sex? Do they… I mean, I really don’t understand what it really is. Don’t be angry with me. Yes. I’m ignorant and naïve of a lot of things in life. What is a cult of sex?

  1. Well, keep in mind that cults vary in details and purposes. Even seemingly simple ones like sex. Of course you’ll possible have the occasional orgy and such.

    That said, generally cults surround a central figure and/or idea. Cult leaders tend to be suave manipulative people who have a nack for finding vulnerable people and keeping them desperate, lost, alone, etc. In relation to the origies, leaders may make themselves the primary person for sex, offering that they are special in some sort of way. Very Rasputin like in that sense.

    Again what the specifics entails varies, could be promises of health, blissful afterlife, protection, worship, divine blessing, etc.

    They can have “voluntary” membership but you’ll more likely see those manipulated, trick, or just simply kidnapped to join. To no one’s surprise, the worst of worst tends to see underage girls and boys picked up.

    If you want to deep into this stuff, start with into NXIVM and Allison Mack who was recently tried in court for recruiting and grooming underage girls.

  2. Usually there’s a lot of control and sexual abuse going on. Not necessarily a bunch of consenting adults getting together for a sex party.

  3. Sex in cults/new religious movements has been a tactic since their inception and rise in popularity between the 50s-80s. Sex was (and in some places still is) seen as a really taboo subject, so in order to persuade people the notion of “free love” was spread a lot in order to lovebomb new members and for those in position of power to take advantage of them physically and mentally. Consent is usually dubious in these situations.

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