I ordered a pizza and orange Fanta from dominos. I was later called by the manager to be informed that they ran out of orange Fanta, so I asked for a sprite instead. Well I’m not used to answering phone calls so I wasn’t sure how to end it. I just said “thank you for calling” and the manager said “no problem.”

Was that a weird response on my part? “Thank you for calling?” I have the awful habit of saying thank you for the littlest of reasons, like the Walmart greeter checking my receipt (I cringe every time I say that.)
Anyways, was that a weird response? If I were to have said “thank you for letting me know.” Would that have been a more normal response?

  1. They probably interpreted it as “Thank you for calling to check with me about this issue.” So you’re fine. Just a “thank you!” at the end of the call would work well.

  2. You’re good . If you wanna switch it up ,you could also use “thanks for the heads up, I appreciate it”.

  3. Perfect response don’t over think it that manager never had a second thought about your response

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