I’m going to try and get to the point as quickly as I can.

Basically, in 2017 I fled an abusive home and came to London. When I left, I was homeless for around six months. I was 17 and had no idea about anything or any services that could’ve helped me. I didn’t even have any kind of identification or documentation. That’s a long story.

Eventually, I moved in with the man who would become my boyfriend. I have been living with him at his family home since then up until the past two months, when we mutually agreed to call things off.

I’m 22 now, and though I’ve had a lot of time to sort my situation out (decent savings, really good CV full of work experience), I’ve kind of hit a wall and I don’t know what to do.

I lost my job because the store I worked at closed down. I have been told I am ineligible for both jobseekers and UC because of the fact I am living with my ex and his family, even though I would argue that their assets and employment does not benefit me at this time.

My ex’s parents are divorcing and they’re planning to sell the house. My ex and his family have their own accommodation sorted, but I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

I have arranged to see my parents again for the first time since I left. Over the years I’ve tried to gradually rebuild bridges with them regardless, but I am still not comfortable living with them and the thought of moving back makes me want to just cry. But right now that seems to be my only option.

The area my parents live in (other side of the country, might I add) is extremely rural, to the point where it would be impossible for me to make it to any job in that area unless I drove (which I don’t and can’t afford anyway), and though I am trying my hardest to find work before my time is up at the end of October I am struggling to find full-time positions and even then struggling to get past interview stages. And even if I did get a job, I’m afraid I might struggle to be able to rent because of my lack of credit history, and I’m also terrified of not being able to hold a job down regardless due to my declining physical and mental health (specifically lung and heart problems).

That’s basically it. I just don’t know what to do. Services don’t seem to want to help me unless I’m on the streets, so my only option seems to be to go back to a dangerous environment. I’ve never wanted anything more than a roof over my head and I feel so defeated that I can’t even provide the basics for myself. I feel helpless and honestly quite scared, hence why I’m seeking advice here.

Thank you.

  1. **For specific questions about London, you can also visit /r/London.**

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  2. Try again with the council and don’t state anything about him being an ex. His family were just putting you up for a while, and now they want you out as they’re selling. They don’t provide you with anything so you have nothing.

    It’s disgusting that an MP can claim for a second home in London at taxpayers expense while someone with nothing can’t claim anything.

  3. The best advice I can give you is to leave london. If you still want a capital city, Cardiff is great, but the difference in rental prices is staggering. For £80 a week you can get an entire one bedroom flat to yourself, no other housemates. And thats the prices in a major city, there’s a lot of other cheaper places and options.

    Obviously that’s a huge step, so for now, do as much googling as you can and find any local charities or religious organisations that offer help to people in need. Hare krishna centres are often super generous, as are many christian, islamic and many other faith-based groups towards those that need help.

  4. Right first thing it’s not your fault
    The first thing to do is contact your local council and tell them your soon to be homeless as they have an obligation to house you this is probably a phone call now but email is a paper trail

    2 go online and apply for personal independent payment (pip) just put in pip application on your phone and it will take you there and if you need help there’s a sub Reddit called “dwphelp” your probably entitled but it does take time and it’s non means tested so it’s your disability that’s counted not your circumstances but get the ball rolling

    3 contact SHELTER they are quick with help and give decent advice

    4 all this should only take a day or two so get moving asap and I know it sounds daunting but it’s getting cold soon

    5 is get a bank account there’s certainly banks who take less documents than others I know Barclays do if you can’t get one ask SHELTER as they can help so then you have document’s

    6 is love yourself

    7 is get medical help

    8 is pressure pressure pressure you have to be on the ball especially with councils and government agencies so constant emails and phone calls make them do the work that’s what we pay for

    9 good luck with everything my friend

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