I’m typically a quiet and pretty chill and reversed guy (23) but sometimes it gets too much and I’ll slip up and yell really loudly (usually something small or short like **FUCK** and not something like [Ned Flanders](https://youtu.be/qL_5EksSDIU) ) but then I immediately feel terrible and guilty for letting my anger get the better of me or slip up. I was just wondering if anyone else ever feels like this?

  1. Everyone feels like that, that’s why feeling a need to vent is universal. You are accountable to your actions not your feelings. As long as it’s few and far between you’ll still fall squarely in the mild mannered column with most people. Don’t sweat it.

  2. Be careful. If you are holding frustrations inside; internalizing them vs addressing them as they occur, you might become a ticking time bomb. That is very unhealthy for you. And to your point, you may appear somewhat irrational which is a serious turnoff. You dont want to reach that state. Cooler heads prevail.

  3. No.

    I’m quiet and reserved because I know how to calmly handle and release negative emotions.

    Not because I’m bottling everything up until it spills out like a shaken soda.

  4. Not really, no. But that’s likely because when I let go one time some 20 years ago, I almost murdered two people thanks to an autism-related meltdown.

  5. I am way too anxious and don’t like the thought of bringing attention to myself. Always been low key jealous of people who are able to get annoyed at things other than themselves. I wish I could scream, shout and cry out loud.

  6. ive threw hammers at work because of being tired of shit, it doesnt feel great but it helps for sure

  7. No. Cuz I either don’t actually care or I process my shit in my own head. I don’t have a reason to explode

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