What changed for you once you turned 30?

  1. An overwhelming consciousness of my mortality. Unable anymore to ignore the time passing by me without doing something about my life.

  2. I became more calm and started thinking about myself and what made me happy. Both happened because of each other.

  3. For me it was the years that peaked for weddings. I went to a bunch. Now the weddings have leveled off with the funerals.

    It was also the time I started finding myself. Kinda figuring out my work situation. Figuring out who are my good friends. What things I wanted to do in life. Just finding a path in life. That path is definitely not straight by any means. But it at least was a good starting point.

  4. I think after I turned 30 I became much more calmer, stop caring about what others thought of me so much, had a lot more fun. 30’s have been the best years so far

  5. My hormones went crazy… I know it’s about my reproductive click, but, MY GOD, I was sexier than a cat in heat 😂

  6. My immune system turned to shit. I’ve had 2 stomach bugs, and 2 colds in 3 months…I never used to get sick. I also have a kindergartener, so that may have more to do with it.

  7. The realisation that I wasn’t young anymore, and if I wanted to be happy I had leave the relationship I was in. Never looked back

  8. I turn 30 in a few months, so technically it hasn’t happened yet, but over the last year (honestly over the last few years) I have started looking at social media more carefully and thinking critically about what I am reading.

    A lot of content that gets pedaled to women in there late 20s to early 30s seems very pro starting a family and settling down. This could also be because I live in Iowa and there’s nothing else to do here.

    But of course, everyone posting this content makes all of this stuff seem like they are living the dream and it’s the best thing ever. It’s the social media lens. I was not very good at seeing that when I was younger. I have just started to ask myself “is this something I would really want?”

    The answer is a no for me. But to each there own!

  9. At 30 nothing now at 32 almost 33 I’m much calmer, lot more patience/tolerance , I don’t care what others think of me, more understanding of others, i talk less, i have started enjoying by myself. I love my body and I don’t care if i am overweight or my skin isn’t perfect. I don’t need approval of anyone. And i got rid of social media

  10. I’ve started putting myself and my needs first. I turned 30 and realized how much of my life I’ve wasted on people who don’t care about my well being, including myself. I decided to start investing in myself and it’s been amazing. I’ve cut out a lot of relationships and I feel so energized and fresh from it. Like I’m finally starting to live my life for me. I also had kids really young so it’s really cool that my kids are getting older. Having children young is soooo difficult but now it’s really paid off a lot and I love that I’m past that stage now and moving forward with my little family beside me.

  11. Stopped people pleasing, got a career and started figuring out who I was. A lot changed but I’m hoping it’s a lifelong work in progress.

  12. At 30 I became a mother to one

    31 I married

    34 I had my second baby

    35 I gained my driver license

    36 I bought my first car

    I wonder what the next 4 years hold!

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