Hi, I 24f am dating 26m and it is going great so far.

He really is one of a kind and I’m really enjoying getting to know him. We don’t talk often via text (which I prefer as we are both not big texters or on social media). So when we meet, we have so much to talk about. I love the space it gives me to live my own life in the meantime.

However, I feel like he is putting way more effort than I am. He has planned all our dates so far, including the upcoming one. I don’t know if it just a case of compatibility (I hate planning things, I just enjoy spending time with him haha so I’m happy to just turn up). I feel like it allows me to be more feminine, submissive and reserved which I’m most comfortable doing. But how do I show my appreciation? Shall I pay for the dinner or something?

Friends have suggested gifts but I don’t want to get him gifts as I feel it is not that serious yet. Guy friends have suggested sexual favours (of course, but we are both religious so unlikely to happen and I’m not comfortable with that).

So what do I do?! I want to show that I am interested and ensure this is not just a one sided thing!

Nb: He doesn’t seem like the type to like flowers haha.

P.s. I don’t date a lot so apologies if this is obvious.

tldr: 24f dating 26m but not sure how to show appreciation when he plans and pays for all the dates.

  1. >I hate planning things

    Even so, what’s to plan? Book a meetup and show up — not so hard I’d of thought. He might appreciate a change to an ‘activity date’, even something as novel as “mini-golf” or whatever else is locally offered, just for the novelty of the activity, and of your setting it up.

    > Shall I pay for the dinner or something?

    After several dates of his paying, it would not be out of line for you to insist on ‘Dutch Treat’ (paying half / or your share which is likely less than half).

    > Guy friends have suggested sexual favours

    Bad idea (never mind the religious aspect), associating pay for play demeans the process.

  2. You seem like a good person and hopefully he’s as happy as you are. I don’t think you need to do a whole lot but planthe next outing would be nice. What is a place you’d like to show him, or something you like to do that you haven’t done together?

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