TL;DR how do you guys feel about your partner having tattoos?

I (21 F) think i’m having a little bit of a crisis. it’s definitely stemming from insecurity but i recently got a new tattoo (small- medium scale) on my upper arm and it is right next to another small- medium tattoo on my shoulder. i really love how they look together but for some reason it’s been getting hard for me seeing more ink on my body. my entire life my parents would always tell me not to “tarnish” my body with tattoos and that men won’t find me attractive anymore if i get one. I’ve always told myself not to listen to what they say but what if they’re right? Would i really be turned down for having 2 tattoos on my upper arm? What if i met a person that could possibly be my life-time partner but they turn me down for my tattoos

  1. If someone turned you down because you have two tattoos, then they could not possibly be a good life partner for you. Besides, would you want to be with someone so shallow?

  2. I personally find tattoos unattractive. I just don’t like that style of art.

    I don’t think anything bad of people who like tattoo art and I don’t make any assumptions about them because they are inked.

    It’s pretty fucked up to describe people with tattoos as “tarnished”. They aren’t.

    My spouse has a tattoo on her leg of her beloved cat that died. She had the cat cremated and then had the cat’s ashes tattooed into her body. Not my thing, but it was important to her. Twenty five years down the line I think she feels a bit silly about it as the tattoo is kind of cartoon-ish and doesn’t really look like her cat. Plus she’s kind of over it.

    I personally would never refuse to date a person I connected with because they have a bit of ink. But I probably wouldn’t be interested in someone who was interested in ink as a hobby or lifestyle.

  3. Would you really want to date someone who’s so ass backwards that they’d turn you down for a tattoo?

  4. Some people really like it, some people really hate it. If they’re really your lifetime partner they’ll love it for sure.

  5. As a middle-aged person, I don’t like tattoos at all. Even in my early twentys, the thought of getting a tattoo never crossed my mind. I saw tattoos as a fad, like smoking, it was something people did to be cool. Nowadays, it’s cool to have tattoos, but does anyone notice, the MAJORITY of people in their 30’s and above never get new tattoos?! 🤔
    I may have an extreme point of view, but all the women I date (mostly in their 20’s and 30’s) with tattoos I don’t take as serious dating partners, they’re hookups for a few months. But I’m just one opinion 🤷

  6. Some people are really interested in women with tattoos some people are put off by it and some people are indifferent.

    Personally I’m not attracted to tattoos. I’m not put off by a few tattoos but I probably wouldn’t find myself attracted to someone with head to toe coverage or somebody who planned to get covered head to toe.

    I’m also not attracted to men with beards. Does that mean that men with beards should change their aesthetic to appeal to me specifically? No.

    However you chose to present yourself you’ll find people who aren’t into it. You don’t want to make yourself as blandly generic as possible to appeal to everyone- you want to look how you feel comfortable and find someone who’s into that.

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