To start this off. Im an 18y/o 2022 grad of hs. I’ve always been able to have meaningless one night stands with women but never a relationship. Im a good looking guy i like to think but i look a little young. I joined the marines straight outta hs but got sent home right after boot camp for medical reasons. My confidence is fucked rn. The problem i have right now is that I want a relationship with a decent woman. I see guys in college and they look like actual men. I feel like i look like a kid and I can’t compete with any of them. does anyone have any advice on how to be more mature physically, mentally, and emotionally. and how to compete with those older and more mature guys

  1. Dude, you’re fine. You are way too young to be in a serious relationship. Will your medical reasons resolve? If not, what’s your next step? If you don’t know, put your effort into learning some valuable skill.

  2. Keep in mind,you’re competing with yourself first. Explore your likes/interests, find your “thing”. Focus on yourself, opportunities for a relationship will come.

  3. Buzzkill. How bad is the medical shit? The Marines is awesome. You missed out.

    Stop sportfucking whores. You are the average of the people closest to you. Vapid whores bring you down.

    You have to build yourself up now. Career. Friends. Hobbies. The more you accomplish the quicker you mature by experience. Even the silly things like helping a friend move will build you up.

    You are beginning your adventure in life as a man. It’s a beautiful time. Since you were denied the Marine Corps, you have to start building new goals.

    Your accomplishments and reputation in the community will build you up. That’s how you’ll qualify yourself for a good relationship. Live your values and be present in a good community.

  4. >I feel like i look like a kid and I can’t compete with any of them. does anyone have any advice on how to be more mature physically, mentally, and emotionally. and how to compete with those older and more mature guys

    That is the trick. You don’t, because you can’t. They are in a different life stage then you and have simply had more time to get further ahead in life and get more experience across the board.

    Focus on the women interest in you at your current stage of life.

    What you can do is get your life in order. You may not realize it but a lot of women can easily tell when your desperate and find it a turn off. You should be the independent, happy party in life with your shit in order they want to join, not the co-dependent emo mess desperately looking for one of them to save you.

    The good news is you have no trouble finding women so it seems more like they don’t think you’re relationship material life wise, so that is the area you need to work on.

    If you’ve got yourself in a good spot in general it becomes extremely easy to find and meet women who are interested in a relationship.

  5. I know it sucks but focus on mentally and emotionally maturing, the physical will come with time. Also sounds cheesy but as soon as you can get your head and confidence in check then the attraction will happen but sleeping with random girls will hold you back.

    Respect women and they’ll respect you back.

  6. go out in the sun day without any sunscreen, drink whiskey whenever youre thirsty and smoke cigars whenever youre hungry. you’ll look decades older in no time.

  7. You’re 18, focus on getting in shape and your education/career.

    It sounds like you already have a decent social life, so just work on the fundamentals above and eventually you’ll meet someone that you click with.

  8. Stop wanting to be in a relationship. Instead, you should want to be a man worth having a relationship with. The other guys you’re competing with don’t matter. Your value doesn’t come from them. The only real competition is with yourself.

  9. Get your own life in order first, get a plan for the future. A girlfriend/wife should be an addition to your life plan. Not the main focus.

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