I (32F) complimented a guy while I was drunk..Now, I wasn’t like crazy drunk but just a bit tipsy.

I saw this attractive guy at a party, he was eying me from across the room all night. I walked over said hi to him..we introduced ourselves and I told him ” I think you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen”. He just gets this really wide smile on his face and said thank you.. So the thing is,I really meant what I said but because I was tipsy,will he just brush it off like a drunk persons talking and not think about anymore? I would really appreciate if the men here would answer this from a males POV.

  1. I had that experience more than once and it was really seductive and arousing. I also had the experience of receiving compliments from married women who not necessarily wanted a relationship other than making a harmful honest and positive comment. I would have loved going out on a date with you…

  2. Here’s the thing. Men rarely, if ever, get compliments, especially regarding physical appearance, so not only did you make his night, he’ll probably be thinking about it for the rest of the year

  3. I take them seriously in the sense that I believe that they are sincere and am flattered by them. However while I will flirt back if it’s someone I’m attracted to, I won’t escalate beyond that with someone who’s not sober.

  4. Awwww yeee you just met your future husband. Congratulations on the marriage, when’s the first kid?

  5. I am a tad jaded so whenever someone pays me a compliment (either man or woman) I tend to take it with a grain of salt, wondering what their actual goal is

  6. Yes, he’s going to take your comment seriously and he’s going to think that you’re very attracted to him. Who cares? Go with it!

  7. We get like one compliment a year and that was a really good one, he’ll carry that for a long time

  8. Yes, any compliment really. It’s pretty common to hear men say that they hardly ever get any compliments in general, even one from a drunk woman is welcomed

  9. Men don’t get complimented as often as women. Like I’d say 1000 to 1. So when it dies happen we tend to take it to heart

  10. Your compliment will follow him till the day he dies, if it makes you feel any better you live rent free in mind now

  11. After reading these comments, I’m going to try to compliment at least one man a day for the rest of the month.

  12. Kudos lady, now you’d be remembered in every conversation about that night , he’s ever going to make. And he’s gonna feel happy every time he would do so.

  13. Obligatory “not-a-man”, but I once drunkenly told a man that he had the most beautiful teeth and he should smile with them more. He reached out to me a couple months later to let me know how much that compliment had meant to him and had improved his confidence in his smile, he told me that he had even gone out and got his teeth whitened! I know this absolutely does not sound like a real interaction, it was an eye-opener for me too! Moral of the story, compliment the men in your lives!

  14. Never got a compliment from a random woman on my apearance in my life. I am 6’2, average looking. I would not know how to respond to it.

  15. Nah, for me, if it takes you getting drunk to compliment me, that’s the definition of impaired judgement.

  16. About the only time a guy can trust what a woman says is when she’s been drinking. So, yeah, he believes you.

  17. A drunk woman once asked to use me as a chair after I asked I a chair was free to take

    Dunno if that was a compliment, but I took it as such- still remember it 4 years later

  18. I’ve had my dick randomly grabbed by random girls at the club .. yet I blame it all on the alcohol .. I don’t take anything serious coming from a drunk girl.. but that’s just me

  19. Men love the unexpected and they love compliments. Confidently and unexpectedly give a guy a compliment and he’s yours forever. You should confidently ask him out on a date and confidently kiss him at the end of it. ❤️❤️❤️

  20. Depends the guy, and how drunk the girl was.

    That said, chances are we’re just gonna be happy to get a compliment.

  21. Bold move. I did the same thing with a guy five years ago and he’s currently upstairs tucking our kids into bed 😊

  22. I can only talk from my own experience, but any compliment would be gratefully received and cherished, drunk or otherwise

  23. Personally, I (37M) would take it as a compliment but wouldn’t take it too seriously (I would ride that compliment high for a while for sure though). However, if you really meant it, just follow up again with said guy and tell him you meant it when you said it and shoot your shot. Worse thing could happen he will gently deny your advances and everyone moves on. Better to take action and know now than regret it later for not taking action.

  24. Sometimes liquor just loosens people up and lets them say what they’d typically be too nervous to admit. I wouldn’t believe a woman less if she were tipsy, it may just have been that he was concerned about taking you up on it because you were intoxicated.

  25. Shoot, on the flip we are compliment deprived for the most part. So Im sure he’ll remember that till the next compliment he gets

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