I’m really bad at reading signals and putting myself out there so I just want an outside perspective.

I recently started a masters program. In between first and second year, there’s a mandatory coop/internship. I was speaking to the program director and she asked what kind of placement I wanted based on my career goals. I told her and she suggested I talk to B as he had a done the exact kind of placement I want to do and still works there while finishing his masters so he could offer guidance.

Later that day there was a social mixer for all the students in the program and I ended up meeting B. Turns out we had briefly met a couple weeks ago during orientation but I didn’t remember him. He vaguely remembered me tho. We spent like 30mins talking about his placement and he offered to speak to me about it more over coffee sometime so we exchanged instas.

The next day, on my way home from class I saw that he had sent me a dm saying he thought I was walking ahead of him but my data was turned off so I hadn’t seen it/him at the time. I responded to his dm thanking him for sharing such good info with me as I didn’t get to say goodbye at the mixer. He said it was no prob and offered again to meet up to discuss it more over coffee or whatever.

Is he just being friendly and helpful or could he possibly be into me? He works 30hrs/week while taking classes and writing his thesis so I know he’s got to be super busy but he’s still offering to meet up with me. Should I ask him out? I’ve never asked someone out for coffee before and he pretty much already answered all my questions at the mixer.

I don’t know anything about his personal life, if he’s even straight or single, but I’m lowkey crushing on him and need to get a grip if I’m overthinking this.

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