I started considering dating, and installing dating apps.
I am a female, in my thirties, and I have very low income this year, but I want to start dating again. I really don’t know how will I bring this up on a conversation, because dating can be expensive, and I feel like this is a complete bummer. I moved to a big city, without a car is difficult to move around easily and just have dates like everyone else.
Anyway, I need advise.
I feel so much burden by this, that if someone starts a conversation on a dating up, it feels like if I have to say this before meeting. To give the other person the option to pass, if this was a deal breaker.
On the other hand this makes me feel very insecure and down.
So this is a tough one.

  1. First, OP dont feel like a burden.
    Second, when it comes to going on dates suggest low cost dates in the beginning. A walk in the park, a picnic, watch the sunset or even go to coffee. I’d bring it up when you are learning about what both parties do for work. Something like “I work at [insert occupation], it doesn’t pay the greatest but I really like what I do” is something I think is acceptable to say. I hope this helps.

  2. If a girl is insisting on expensive outings especially for the first time meeting that is a red flag, at least for me.
    Being ok with doing things that are just about spending time with them is a way better way to show that you’re actually interested.
    As far as not having a car that can just make things more difficult in general.

  3. Put the word “frugal” prominently in your bio. But most people will understand. A lot of us have been there. Good luck!

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