My friend relates everything I say back to herself and I am trying to understand why, any insight would be appreciated.

It doesnt only happen when I for example tell a story about work, and she responds by telling one about her work without acknowledging my story at all.

It even happens when I told her about one of my kitchen appliences being broken, while I was using hers (which what prompted me to say it). She responded with: mine doesnt do that. So I said well yes yours isnt broken.. To which she responded: yes thats what I am saying

I used to think she was just a bit self centred but now I am starting to think she doesnt understand how conversations are supposed to go? I myself am a bit introverted but with my friends I am ok, she is extroverted even with new people or people she doesnt know. So I feel like sometimes she is able to be/act interested in people. Ive seen her do it with people at bus stops or in stores.

Any insight on what is happening here?

  1. Some people relate to connect and show empathy. Sometimes, it can feel like they’re just being selfish. Sometimes, they are, but maybe they aren’t aware they’re making you feel bad. Maybe try talking to them about it. If their intention is not to make you feel bad, then I’m sure they would be open to communicating about it.
    We can’t learn or grow any relationship without a feedback loop aka communication.

  2. I do that. Reason: I share whatever related information I have. I expect the other person to do the same and so we carry on the conversation, adding more to it. Kinda like adding side brunches. What kind of answer would you prefer instead? Just acknowledgment?

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