I have been in the relationship for some time now and honestly it still really gets to me the fact this gets talked about and nothing gets done. I feel really bad about this. I don’t want the relationship to be something I can’t appreciate because let’s be honest, I probably am going to do it. I just know if they don’t let me know about what is happening in the relationship then it could be this behavior continues and if it does continue and they go through with every part of the relationship then I am going to be very frustrated because they should not be doing all of this for me. I really want the relationship to be great though still at this time I just feel out of it because they are very set on this relationship both of us know is physically impossible. I don’t want to just break up over this though I don’t have much of an option because they won’t talk to me about the relationship. I’m just having a hard time really having the idea everything is going to be alright in this relationship. I just know they aren’t done. I keep telling them not to worry because I am going to do it. I just really want to be sure they are having a great time.

Any ideas or advice is appreciated, thank you.

  1. Your communication skills are very poor. It is unclear what you’re asking in the post which is likely why you’re not getting what you want from the relationship

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