So I’ve been getting ghosted by a girl recently who I know likes me (I know that sounds like a nice guy thing to say). I know it because she told me openly as we both agreed to be very communicative from the beginning- we weren’t intimate yet cause im a little old fashioned and the decision was mutual. But as I get older I’ve realized I don’t care about being awkward if it means I can have a relationship with someone I feel a genuine connection with, be that platonic or otherwise. So I decided I’ll give it a few more days and tell her that there’s no expectation on my end for a romantic outcome and I just actually want to be her friend with no pretext of getting anything out of it other than a connection with someone I feel comfortable with. Maybe that’s not the norm for a lot of people in these situations but I’m tired of investing emotional energy just to gain nothing from it- so I would be more than happy to gain a friend from this experience if that’s what it turns out to be. Obviously if she doesn’t feel the same I would respect that but this is how I’m feeling. I’ve read so many things in these subs and it seems like everyone’s knee jerk reaction to getting ghosted is either to be angry and upset and do nothing or be creepy and force the issue, so I just want to try something different. The world sucks too much to be afraid of connecting with people whatever the circumstance (as long as the feeling is mutual ofc lol).

1 comment
  1. She may like you, but she may have other things going on in her life and that’s why she’s ghosting you. And why would you want to waste your time on someone who clearly isn’t giving you the time of day? Relationships that start off like this, with one pursuing the other harder, do not work out. Relationships I’ve had where I keep going in my head, “but I know he likes me!” ended up in emotional turmoil and me constantly guessing whether or not he was into me because he would give no effort, even when we were actually boyfriend and girlfriend. Don’t waste your time.

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