About a week ago I got invited to a party,

I’m a young guy, but the woman who invited me is a high-class fifty-year-old mother of two (we’ve been good friends the last few years, but she recently left work).

The party will be at her acreage with her husband and their friends (who are all well-established people in their fifties). And her two daughters around my age.

She said something about needing to know for catering (so it really does sound fancy). And also that I could stay the night….

But I’d rather just not go. But given that she’s given me so much notice… How can I say no?

Any ideas?

  1. You can call her, tell her you have a clash and can’t make it. Sincerely apologise and tell her you hope you can catch up in the future.

    Or, just be up front and say you don’t feel up to it this time and apologise.

    Not sure if you want contact with her in the future but how you handle the decline will determine if you get asked again.

    Sometimes these things aren’t easy.

  2. Personally I’d go there. Seems like it’s way out of your comfort zone, which would be a nice growing experience. And a good story.

    But if you still don’t want to go… simply say that you had made plans on that day. And you can’t cancel.

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