By *tension* i think you know what i mean. I can’t even talk to this guy because the drive is just almost unbearable

  1. Outsource the tension by putting yourselves in harrowing situations, then kick back and let the residuals flow in from the movie based on two campers who filled their tent with kielbasa out in Grizzly territory.

  2. There’s no one answer to this question – it depends on the situation and the people involved. However, some tips on how to take things slow with someone you have crazy tension with include: – communicating openly and honestly with each other about what you’re both comfortable with and setting boundaries as needed – spending time together doing low-key activities that don’t require a lot of interaction or close proximity (e.g. going for walks, watching movies) – gradually increasing the amount of time you spend together and the level of intimacy (e.g. hugging, holding hands) as your comfort levels allow

  3. if it’s that intense, practice discipline.

    maybe you could pretend he is someone else. Someone you don’t care about. Not someone that you care about strongly in a negative direction.

    it’s better to start practicing now because this is most likely not gonna be the first individual that motivates you in such an emotionally impulsive way

  4. Can you elaborate? I assume that you and he have recently started a relationship and that you’re both super into each other, and you’re asking how to keep from overpromising and over committing to one another at this early stage despite those feelings?

  5. Why don’t you just sit on his face and let him do that for a while. any man would gladly pleasure you and not need anything for himself. that way you’re not full-blown bunny rabbit-ing but you release some of the tension and it’s most mens favorite thing to do. 🤷‍♂️

  6. Set a time line. Talk and flirt by week 1. Ask out by week 2. Kiss by week 3. Fuck by week 4, Etc.

    * those times are trivial and it was just easier to go by weeks

  7. Why do you need to take it slow? If it’s because that’s what he wants then just let him take the lead.

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