And is this fishy mint combo an excuse to call off the wedding?

  1. Add some mint sauce to plain mushy peas, and you’ll find an awesome combo to breaded fish dishes.

  2. I mean I cover all my food with extremely spicy hot sauce, doesn’t matter what it is that shits going on my food. Everyone close to me thinks it’s weird

  3. Get out now! If she’s willing to let you know this there are more horror’s to come! Liver and noodles, brawn and sweet meats with spaghetti hoops await.

  4. I had an ex girlfriend would would eat sandwiches made of nothing but bread, butter, sugar and banana.

  5. My nana and grandpa have baked beans with a roast dinner. But not only that…with hollandaise sauce AND gravy too.

  6. Banana on toast is so lush but people look at me like a weirdo.

    Also mint fish sandwich sounds awesome.

  7. I like mixing baked beans and sweetcorn. It’s a family thing but anyone I tell about it thinks it sounds disgusting… Until I make them try it

  8. my dad used to make us corn beef and tomato puree sandwiches. started off as a poverty meal because he had nothing else to eat in the cupboards, but you know what it isn’t half bad.

    also i dip butter toast in sugary porridge. it tastes amazing but most people are very adverse to it!

  9. My brother used to eat plain white rice with ketchup. As a meal. I just puked in my mouth a little bit just thinking about it…..

  10. My mum puts tomato sauce on her chips and gravy from the chippy……

    When she dies we’ve all agreed to put a slab of concrete above the coffin just in case

  11. My dad likes burnt steak, covered with salt and then slathered with ketchup. I made awesome Dover sole with salsa Verde. Before he tasted it, covered it in salt.

  12. My family always had pickled onions with a Sunday Roast, thought it was normal until I made a dinner for my then girlfriend (now wife) and put a bowl of pickled onions on the table and she looked at me with utter confusion and abit of disgust.

  13. Cookies in Milk, get a cereal bowl, add 7-8 Maryland Cookies, fill the bowl with milk, like you would cereal.

    The best time to eat them is just as they start to go soft, too early and it’s slightly wet cookie, too late and it’s baby food. It’s all about the timing.

  14. You know those tortilla wraps from the ol del paso wrap kit? My mrs to “save waste” has them plain, one dollop of red sauce, one of mayo, MIXES THEM. And dips the wraps, disgusting.

  15. What a bad time to be literate. I thought the original sandwich was vile but reading the responses has made it worse.

    I feel for you OP, I really do.

  16. Went out for Pizza with my GF at the time (now engaged) she wanted a raw egg cracked on it (don’t worry already checked she’s not a seral killer, well a wanted one at least). Then had the cheek to belittle my Flaming Hot Monster munch obsession!

  17. My dad tried fish fingers and custard as a joke. Somehow he legit enjoyed it and now does it regularly….

  18. Fish Fingers (pan fried) with Iceland microwave Pilau rice.

    Cover the fish fingers with the rice, use a fork to devour.

    I’m ashamed… but I won’t stop.

  19. I love marmite sandwiches with pickled onion flavour space raiders. I never thought it weird until I saw some reactions to it. Marmite sandwiches are normal. Crisps on sandwiches are normal. So I don’t see the problem. I get regular nausea and it is actually one of my few nausea-friendly foods I eat. But apparently it is a bad combination

  20. My oldest daughter will put mayonnaise on literally everything.

    Curry? Mayo on it. Shepherd’s Pie? Mayo on it. Pasta Pesto? Mayo on it. Roast dinner with gravy? MAYO ON IT.

    On the one hand, I’m disgusted by her Mayo habits, but on the other, I’m happy that she’s happy, even if she is a dirty, food ruining, heathen.

  21. Salad crème on beans or spaghettini
    Red and brown sauce on bacon sandwiches
    Red and brown sauce on Sundays dinners

  22. don’t need family, i can handle this all on mty own. best sandwich ever – crunchy peanut butter, thinly sliced tomato, sliced red onion, HP sauce – so wrong its so right

  23. When I cook a bolognese I substitute minced beef with corned beef from a tin. How my mother makes it and how her mother used to make it.

    Edit: added “her”

  24. Fucking lad I work with puts garlic mayo in his pot noodles because he says ” I don’t like soy sauce”😳

  25. Peanut butter ham sandwich, peanut butter banana slices sandwich, those two get me quite a lot of grief at home.

  26. My partners friend has rice and pasta with her roast dinner. I have counted at least 3 types of carbs with this logic. It sounds abysmal.

  27. Yorkshire.. dripping sandwiches common with older folks around here. Must be a war/rationing thing, I tried one once and my mouth was just left greasy and nasty.

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