I (15m) have a massive crush on this one girl. Now, normally I would just go for it and if it doesn’t work then too bad. But this just so happens to be my childhood friend. She has a brother and the three of us are all really close. But recently this past year I just couldn’t get her out of my head. Now my relationship with them is damn near perfect. They laugh at literally everything I say and do, she’s the same age as me (15F) and her brother is (14m) I’m just so conflicted because I really want to ask her out or something but I just don’t want to lose our fantastic friendship. I was thinking about talking to her brother as I’m sleeping over at their house in 2 days. Just an FYI her brother is the best behaved most understanding person I’ve ever met. Also, we do live a little distance from each other. What would be a way I could probably get her number if any to stay in contact since I really haven’t asked? She also has an IG if that helps

TLDR: I have a massive crush on a childhood friend. don’t know how to ask and don’t want to ruin the friendship. Asking her brother could be a way to figure some stuff out.

  1. you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. to me if you like this girl for who she is and you have been liking her for who she is there is no problem. if you’re just trying to use her then there my be a problem w the friendship down the road. just be genuine and sincere

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