I met this girl last May 2022, she was a cosplayer and I became a big fan of hers. It took me time to find her socials and when I did, I dmed her telling that I was a big fan of her cosplays. We started talking a lot almost everyday then suddenly she told me that she’s going somewhere to buy costumes for her upcoming cosplays and I asked if I could accompany her. She said yes and it was the first time we hang out. We had a good time, went shopping together then I treated her food. After that we started playing games together, calling through discord and messenger almost every day, updating each other and many more. Then I realized that our relationship isn’t an idol fan anymore but it’s beyond that already. I fell in love with her because I felt like I’m in my comfort zone when I’m with her. I want to know her more and I also thought that she was also feeling the same way about me. She was not also dumb to not realize that I caught feelings for her but she did not mind at all. Then one day, I asked her the question “If I were to pursue you, would you be okay with it?” She said to me that she liked what we are right now but she’s not ready to be in a relationship again. It was a year ago since she and her ex broke up. She said that she liked me but not in a romantic way. It’s more like platonic then she also said that’s how she treated anyone. She does not hang out with just anyone at all so it means that she really likes hanging out with me and that’s what she said. I told her that I am not rushing to be in a relationship and will be supporting her until she gets settled in her life and then will be shooting my shot again. She said that if when the time comes and she decides that she will be interested to be in a relationship again, why not. So the thing is, is the decision to wait for her until she gets settled the right thing to do for me? Will my efforts be enough to make her say that I will be the man who will be standing beside her forever? Coz right now all I can say is she is the goal that I want to achieve in my life.

  1. As long as you’re not torturing yourself, it’s totally up to you. If you’re ok with waiting and not giving up then do it. Chances are that her knowing you’re romantically interested and she still choosing to hang out with you, that she might be in the future as well. But who knows.

    You could set a time that you’re willing to wait, like 6 months or so, and then bring it up again maybe? If she’s still not interested then you could ask for some time out since you’re kinda suffering with wanting something else.

    It’s all up to you in the end, ask yourself what you’re ready to do here. Just don’t wait forever, there will have to come a time when you put your foot down.

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