
Hello all, I wanted to reach out to get some advice on a reoccurring issue. My boyfriend and I don’t get to see eachother a lot during the week, so when i weekend rolls around and I see him, obviously we want to have sex. sometimes we won’t, but when we do it’s almost always a magical experience. However, twice now he has gone completely limp and unable to get hard again and has lost his shit. He just shuts down, buries his face in a pillow and we sit in silence and eventually fall asleep. I know i’m not the issue, i’m an attractive female and he can get hard just by being around me (which i notice a lot at the most random times or i even touch his shoulder and he’s hard as a rock). But this has been a real ego crush for him. I guess i’m just wondering why this happens? he suffers from anxiety as do i, but he had trouble getting hard in the past and said he was just nervous because he actually cares about me. But i feel like we’re past that point now and being nervous shouldn’t be a factor? I know the little fucker works and it isn’t erectile dysfunction because it gets hard all the time. But when it comes down to being in a place we know the sex will be amazing, he doesn’t want to perform? how do i comfort him so he knows that this is totally ok with me and i’m not frustrated and to not blame himself?

  1. Boner issues can be a self-fulfilling prophecy in that they can be caused by anxiety and can also obviously spur anxiety. And it certainly doesn’t help when a partner gets upset about it.

    IMO the best thing to do in these situations is refocus on non-penetrative sex for a while to take the pressure off.

  2. Performance anxiety.

    Adopting a plant based diet even if just for a few weeks and exercise might help. If not, make sure he gets professional help.

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