I live in a semi detached house and our neighbours are in council housing. They actually have two houses on the same street because I guess they are technically separated.
They’ve been fighting all night slamming doors and shouting that we can hear through our house.

My kids (7&5) couldn’t get to sleep last night because of it and we have a 4week old so need as much sleep as we can get.

We spoke to them last night, asking if they where ok and saying to keep it down but it’s all kicked off again this morning (about 7am).

They have a couple of kids (maybe 12 and 8 or 9) which I’m pretty concerned about.

What can we do about this?

  1. Report it to the council or housing association. They may be particularly interested to know they have two houses but spend the night in the same one.

  2. You can report it as a noise complaint to your council, but they will want weeks of journalled disruption times.

    You could try talking to them in sterner tones but they sound like nutters. Only you can judge how that will go.

    As a wild card option when it gets really rowdy you could phone the police and say you’re worried someone will get hurt. IF they respond promptly maybe the neighbours will take notice. Could backfire though if they twig it was you.

    Ultimately your best option is to move house. Sorry.

  3. Your first experience of the English working class? Do what most people do and get as far away as possible. They’re feral.

    They could be in rutting season, hence the commotion.

  4. If it’s just been this one night, genuinely I would try and ignore it. Everyone is allowed to have an argument sometimes. Rethink if it continues.

  5. Call the police for a noise complaint, report it to the council and report it to whoever manages the houses.

  6. If you’re concerned about the safety of their children telephone the police and ask for a ‘welfare check’. You can do this anonymously. The police will respond and check on the children and possibly look into the wider situation.

  7. Sorry to hear you are experiencing this. I went through this and I actually sold my property… the moral of the story is – give them an inch and they will take a mile.

    I was far too nice and kept asking politely for them to stop but they won’t.

    You have to hound the Housing association to clamp down (they will be reluctant, remember they represent the neighbour – not you) and the EHO at the council. Get a good noise monitoring device and don’t rely on your mobile if you are asked for evidence.

    I hope it improves for you

  8. We had similar when we first moved in, put in a couple of noise complaints to the council. Got the best possible outcome, woman moved out, bloke seemed to take it as a sign to do something about his drinking problem that seemed to be the root of the issues, really cut back, became much friendlier and noise basically gone.

    Can’t promise anything like the same results but maybe the threat of losing council tenancy due to noise complaints helped? No idea, not going to ask even if he is good for a chat nowadays!

  9. If you’re going to report them on the noise nuisance angle then start by recording all the times, duration, noises, disturbance and effect on your family in a simple document. The council EHO will get you to do this anyway so you can be ahead of the game.
    If the council themselves (or HA) don’t seem to be bothering once you’ve reported it then find out who the local councillor is, and whoever holds the EH ‘portfolio’ and get them on your case too.
    Massive sympathy, it’s a nightmare situation to be in.

  10. Call the police and say that you think there’s a domestic violence incident happening next door

  11. Report it to the council is best. The police will only come out check the kids and go again. We had a similar situation in our previous house. Things escalated once the police got involved! We sold our property and moved. Once we had left another neighbour sent me a newspaper clipping telling me that the nuisance neighbours had been asked to leave their property for 3 months and it got boarded up. They owned the property. It was the Council that got it sorted. These people put us through hell for 14 months because we called the Police on them.

  12. Get used to it.

    Our neighbours are constantly shouting, arguing and swearing loudly even at the random assortment of small children that rotate through the property. There’s also a high chance of physical violence involved.

    The landlord doesn’t care and the police say they can’t do anything. The council just say it’s not their problem.

  13. Next time you go on holiday stick a loud music player on against the wall with Terribad Folk music playing the full time you are away.

    I’m joking of course.

    Well, maybe.

    In reality I’d start making written complaints to their landlord and possibly the police to ensure that it’s in the system and not expect any response to it, but if it continues you will have a paper trail of complaints to refer to.

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