What are some creepy dates you’ve been on?

  1. Went on one date with a girl in college, she was nice, pleasant. The date went well. But with it being close to winter break, we didn’t see each other again.

    Winter break arrives and I drive 5 hours back to my home town. Third night home, there’s a knock at my door at gone midnight and there she is, on my doorstep. It was particularly creepy because, I didn’t ever tell her where I was from, nor where I lived, nor what I’d be doing and where I’d be during winter break.

  2. Went on a Tinder date with a girl that was a psychoanalyst. I was in therapy myself (but not psychoanalysis) and the subject came up.

    Not only she made fun of my therapist for using concepts different from the ones she knew, the rest of the date would be her making questions about my past, my relationship with my mother and trying to explain the several traumas I apparently had. First date, mind you.

    She called the next day and I actually had to tell her there would be no second date, to her surprise.

  3. Friday the 13th…duh. Sorry…dumb joke.

    I went on a date where I thought I was absolutely the boss…I’d been recently single and went out with some friends for a “girls night so we can be your wingladies” sounded cool and what dude wouldn’t want to go out for an evening with 5 attractive women who were going to help him meet more attractive women?

    Well during that ladies night everything went sideways because three of the girls had also recently become single and when one of the married ones suggested they start making the rounds with me a small verbal fight broke out among the three single ones over little old me. Now, I’m not particularly attractive and wasn’t making a ton of money at the time so this was a brand new experience for me and I was living it up like a king!

    Finally they decide amongst themselves that I get to take them all out (suddenly I realize how much this is going to cost me lol) and that’s that.

    Come date 1 I spotted one of the other women at the restaurant just staring the whole time…we move to a bar because that’s a bit weird…same girl shows up and just death stares across the bar the whole time… date gets to the ending and I walk her to her car and she insists she drive me back to my car (which, in fairness was quite a distance away)…okay, I’m down. As soon as we start driving we’re going the wrong direction. “You’re coming home with me”

    Oh. Okay?

    We get to her house and park in the drive way and she’s immediately all over me and let me tell you nothing about this was sexy…she was too much tongue and all man hands… I’m really not having a good time when suddenly the porch light turns on. Oh shit…is she still with her husband? No… The third girl comes out and starts screaming at my current companion. Now the girl in the car with me starts cackling like a crazy person and rips it out of the driveway and back across town… “Now we’re going to have some fun at my place!”

    We got to a stoplight close enough to where my car was and I flew out of that door! Somewhere in the distance behind me I heard some swearing and something that sure sounded like “again?”

    Needless to say…I did not seek out any of those women again. I still don’t know if they were messing with me or not but it sure was an interesting night.

  4. I had just moved to the West Coast. This is like 30 years ago. I didn’t know anyone and lived alone in a major city.

    I started getting calls from a girl. She said she “saw me on tv” and was in love with me. She wanted to meet and get married.

    Now I have never been on TV in my entire life. But she insisted. And she seemed to know exactly what I looked like. I was super creeped out.

    But the calls continued for a couple of weeks. She’d tell me how crazy she was about me and how badly she yearned to touch me. She also got quite graphic as to what she’d like to do with my genitalia.

    I was new to California, young, stupid and lonely. So I agreed to meet her for sushi one night after work. I got to the restaurant early. If she was a disaster, I thought maybe I could duck out before she saw me. All I knew about her is that she was African American.

    When she walked in, all heads turned. She was a tall beautiful black woman in dreadlocks wearing a very short tight fitting sequin dress. I was floored.

    She recognized me immediately. I stood up, she walked over, pulled me right up against her and shoved her tongue down my throat. After a couple of seconds I pulled away because we were making a scene. And I was flabbergasted how pretty she was. I was expecting a toothless crack whore.

    To make a long story short, she continued to treat me like a celebrity. Although I didn’t take her home that night, I eventually acquiesced. I challenge any ordinary single guy to have a beautiful girl go crazy for them. You get blinded by nut.

    Afterwards she disappeared. In her placed appeared her scrawny meek bespectacled boyfriend, who wanted to know where she was. Appearantly they lived together and she had written my name all over the walls of their apartment. I mean on every single blank space. That’s how he found me.

    The guy wasn’t mad when I told him I slept with his girlfriend, he just wanted her back. I suggested she might have a few problems, but he didn’t want to hear it. She was the hottest girl he’d ever had and was desperate to “recapture” his windfall.

    Me being a nice guy and always wanting to please everyone, I helped him look. Turns out she jumped onto some kind of fishing boat and went out to sea for a month or two. Anyway, I never heard from her again.

    The boyfriend and I ended up becoming friendly. Although he carried a briefcase full of vitamins everywhere he went, we hung out every now and then. For me it was more out of amusement.

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