So I want to change my name to Phoenyx but in all honesty I don’t think it will suit me because I’m over weight and quite plain looking. I don’t know what to call myself.
For anyone wonder g why I want to change my name I am named after my father’s ex girlfriend who he cheated on my mother with while she was pregnant, my mother has used my name as a way to attack me since I was about 5 and even went as far as calling me scum for a year to which I thought that was my name.

  1. Do you have any female relatives that you look up to or admire? Take one of their names. That way you build a connection with your name and can feel safe. I don’t know how Phoenyx makes you feel, but I’m getting the sense you want to rebuild yourself from your hurtful past? You are your own person, by the way… perfectly fine as you are. Nobody can define you except you. Hugs x

  2. If you’re going to do it do Phoenix, it’s a real pain to have a name that people think they know how to spell but you spell it differently

  3. I asked myself to dream the name and let my subconscious do the rest. And it took a few days, but I dreamt a really good name.

    And then I went to see a numerologist for an extra bit of woo woo confidence in spelling – I do agree that unusual spellings are a pain. Good luck, it feels good to have a name that isn’t shit!

  4. It was a nickname I picked up at uni (it’s a normal name, nothing wacky). I made it my official name given everyone I met post uni called me that.

  5. I changed my surname to include my (step) dad’s name and then changed my first name to the nickname he gave me that always felt more like my name.

  6. Just remember that people will judge you off your name before they’ve met you e.g. jobs you’ve applied too. Not saying that it’s right but is something you should be aware of.

  7. I would go with something more neutral, having a name that you feel represents your rejection of your parents is still, in a sense, representative of your parents; the opposite side of the same coin. Also you will find people asking you about the name, either “wow your parents named you Phoenyx” or “why did you change your name” and both will involve talking about your parents.

    Whereas Sarah or Elizabeth are just nice names , assuming they aren’t yours or your mother’s current names.

  8. Spell it Phoenix unless you want to have to spell it out every time you introduce yourself for the rest of your life. Also it will avoid a lifetime of eyerolling. It will get old really quickly.

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