ever since forever, I had trouble getting in with the normies. their style,jokes, conversation topics still elude me. I have been very isolated from social interaction except my close family since the pandemic, so my situation regressed. I never had a “real” friend or girlfriend. I presume most people have like 4-5 gfs and 3-5 close friends ’till they are like 25. I have 4 years left, how can I become a normal human being?

  1. The first thing I would do is find out who you are. Meditation and taking a little time out of the day to just observe your thoughts and feelings could do you wonders. The second thing I would say is to not try to “fit” in entirely but rather understand or get to understand social rules then see how your values align with them.

    A big mistake you could make is trying to fit in with everyone all the time. That’s not possible and will always leave you feeling empty or fake. Find out who you are and the things you enjoy that are pro social then lean into them if you want to be more social.

    Right now your paragraph is focused on your negatives, good you understand that part. Now dig deep and find the positive aspects of yourself and focus on growing that.

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