
Basically the question. Guy changed the time of the date this evening. His reasoning was that he needs to tidy up his parents’ house (don’t know the details).
So he wants to meet in the evening instead of afternoon.

Should I accept?

Tl;Dr a guy changed the time of date a day before saying he needs to tidy up his parents ‘ house. Should I accept?

  1. I don’t see why not. It seems like you were ok going over there anyways. I don’t think the time matters much

  2. If it’s not too inconvenient why not? I asked my date (first date) to change the time the day before bc I forgot I had plans after and he was ok with it

  3. It’s only a red flag if they want to reschedule, but don’t take the initiative to tell you when. Everything seems fine.

  4. Yes.He seems cute actually. He asked you if you still wanted to meet him. It’s cute. My bf Is higher upper class, I’m…..a normal savage girl :D…we’ve been together for six years now and after the first dates he told me he had never seen the city from so many points of view before being with me because I’m like: let’s sit down on the grass here, why don’t we eat a kebab on the stairs there?.blabla : )

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