I have been confused all my life, be it what food to eat, which movie to watch, and which road to take to reach any place. All these things mentioned above are trivial but my main concern arises when it comes to my career, I’m working in a reputed firm and earning decent money, but I don’t wanna do this work anymore.

But the thing is I’m not sure what to do when some days I think about moving to Europe and doing my masters ( still confused about which masters to take) and other times I think about working in my country and other time I just want to start some business in my city. It’s truly exhausting and I can’t make a solid decision as I’m shifting between each of the paths.

I’m 28 and still confused either to get married or not.

Now it’s taking a huge toll on my mind.

  1. If you can’t decide weigh the pros and cons of any situation. You can never fully predict the outcome but it will be easier to accept whatever happens. Once you understand the dynamic you can be confident in your decision. Start with trivial things like you mentioned and then you can move onto your career.

    Also have a plan b,c and maybe d. Think about the worst case scenario and how you can recover from it

  2. Start listening inside. It’s the most silent little voice inside that comes first, that only seconds later our mind dismisses and starts to work on it logically and intellectually.

    Ask yourself a question, forget about it and the answer will come in all sorts of forms, when required and when your open to receive it.

    Fuck the mind, shut it out, turn it off completely and just listen, observe and do, (without thinking).

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